Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Ici se règle les problèmes concernant une configuration Hyperspin tournant sous HyperLaunch 3.

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Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 13 avr. 2015 - 14:56


Mon HS est à base de heavybox sous HL3 (OS XP 32bit)
Je n'arrive pas à lancer certains jeux MAME, notamment CPS CPS2 et CP3. Pour une raison que j'ignore, lorsque je teste que avec l'émulateur MAME.exe, pas de problème, je trouve le jeu et il se lance.
Par contre quand je lance le même jeux via hyperlaunch, cela ne fonctionne pas => ecran noir 1s et retour à la case départ (sans message d'erreur à l'écran)

En cherchant un peu (dans le ficher log de HL), j'ai constaté que mon module ne "supportait" pas certains de mes systèmes :

00:13:05:062 | MD | WARNING | +0 | StartModule - You have an unsupported System Name for this module: "CPS2". Only the following System Names are suppported: ""AAE","Cave","LaserDisc","MAME","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Sega Model 1","Sega ST-V","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES""

=> Du coup j'ai add le systeme dans le module (comme expliqué ici viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2316)

Malheuresement, cela n'a pas suffisant, j'ai toujours le même symptome : ecran noir 1s et retour à la case départ (sans message d'erreur à l'écran)

Qualqu'un aurait une piste pour m'aider ?


Voici le log de hyperlaunch :
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "CPS2"
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartModule - Ended
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\MAME\MAME.ini exists
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Fullscreen: true
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Videomode: ddraw
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - HideConsole: true
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - PauseMethod: 4
00:45:22:796 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - BezelMode: normal
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +16 | Module Setting - CheatMode: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - CheatModeKey: Z&X
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Bezels: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Bezels: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Overlays: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Overlays: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Backdrops: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Setting - Use_Backdrops: true
00:45:22:812 | MD | INFO | +0 | Module Run - Running: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame.exe armwar -nowindow -video ddraw -rompath "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Romfiles\CPS2"
00:45:22:937 | MD | INFO | +125 | Module WinWait - Waiting for ahk_class MAME
00:45:22:968 | MD | INFO | +31 | Module - HideConsole - Console window found, hiding it out of view.
00:45:23:421 | MD | INFO | +453 | Module WinWaitActive - Waiting for "ahk_class MAME"
00:45:23:531 | MD | INFO | +110 | Module Process - WaitClose mame.exe
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +1750 | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +0 | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Started
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +0 | Starting Updating Statistics:
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +0 | CreateRomTable - Started
00:45:25:281 | MD | INFO | +0 | CreateRomTable - Ended, 7 Loops to create table.
00:45:25:390 | MD | INFO | +109 | Game section statistics updated.
00:45:25:390 | MD | INFO | +0 | ExitModule - Ended
00:45:25:390 | MD | INFO | +0 | End of Module Logs
00:45:25:406 | HL | INFO | +2797 | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally
00:45:25:406 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Started
00:45:25:421 | HL | INFO | +15 | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
00:45:25:421 | HL | INFO | +0 | ExitScript - Ended
Dernière modification par mimso le 22 avr. 2015 - 09:39, modifié 2 fois.

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 14 avr. 2015 - 15:06

personne pour me filer un coup de main ? :-(

je testerai bien avec un autre module HL3 pour mame (qui sert pour MAME, CPS, CPS2, CPS3 etc)
Si qqun peut m'en copier un ici ca serait cool

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par soft-bug » 14 avr. 2015 - 15:45

mimso a écrit :personne pour me filer un coup de main ? :-(

je testerai bien avec un autre module HL3 pour mame (qui sert pour MAME, CPS, CPS2, CPS3 etc)
Si qqun peut m'en copier un ici ca serait cool

Fait voir la gueule de ton module HL3 ... cela sent fort les noms des systèmes CPS x,ynz ... non présent dans le Module ... :mrgreen:

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 14 avr. 2015 - 16:32

Salut softbug

Alors oui j'avais ce pb au début et du coup j'ai justement add le nom des systemes dans le module
Par contre j'ai mame 0.152 (pour 32bit) alors que le module est pour 0.148, cela peut il poser un pb ?
MEmuV = v0.148
MURL =" onclick=";return false;
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0.6
MCRC = D558F163
iCRC = CD775A90
MID = 635038268903403479
MSystem = "AAE","Cave","LaserDisc","MAME","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Sega Model 1","Sega ST-V","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","CPS","CPS2","CPS3""
; Notes:
; No need to edit mame.ini and set your rom folder, module sends the rompath for you.
; Command Line Options - ... tions.html" onclick=";return false;
; High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!
; HLSL Documentation:" onclick=";return false;
; MAME 149 is currently bugged and HyperPause support is broken. Emu does not let you alt-tab out. This is a mamedev issue, not an HL one.
; If you use MAME for AAE, create a vector.ini in mame's ini subfolder and paste these HLSL settings in there: ... =5&o=&vc=1" onclick=";return false;

settingsFile := CheckFile(modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini")

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
Videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Videomode","d3d",,1)
hideConsole := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideConsole","true",,1) ; Hides console window from view if it shows up
pauseMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PauseMethod",1,,1) ; set the pause method that works better on your machine (preferred methods 1 and 2) 1 = Win7 and Win8 OK - Problems with Win XP, 2 = preferred method for WinXP - Problems in Win7, 3 and 4 = same as 1 and 2, 5 = only use If you have a direct input version of mame, 6 = suspend mame process method, it could crash mame in some computers
bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BezelMode","layout",,1) ; "layout" or "normal"
cheatMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatMode","false",,1)
cheatModeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatModeKey",A_Space,,1) ; user defined key to be held down before launching a mame rom.
sysParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
romParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
mameRomName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MameRomName", A_Space,,1)
Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Use_Bezels", "true",,1)
Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Use_Bezels", Use_Bezels,,1) ; default is the system's current setting
Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Use_Overlays", "true",,1)
Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Use_Overlays", Use_Overlays,,1) ; default is the system's current setting
Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Use_Backdrops", "true",,1)
Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Use_Backdrops", Use_Backdrops,,1) ; default is the system's current setting

If bezelEnabled = true
{ ListXMLtable := []
ListXMLtable := ListXMLInfo(romName)
If bezelMode = layout
useBezels := If (Use_Bezels = "true") ? "-use_bezels" : "-nouse_bezels"
useOverlays := If (Use_Overlays = "true") ? "-use_overlays" : "-nouse_overlays"
useBackdrops := If (Use_Backdrops = "true") ? "-use_backdrops" : "-nouse_backdrops"
} Else {
useBezels := "-nouse_bezels"
useOverlays := "-nouse_overlays"
useBackdrops := "-nouse_backdrops"


; -romload part of 147u2 that shows what roms were checked when missing roms
winstate := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "Hide UseErrorLevel" : "UseErrorLevel"
fullscreen := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "-nowindow" : "-window"
videomode := If (Videomode != "" ) ? "-video " . videomode : ""
sysParams := If sysParams != "" ? sysParams : ""
romParams := If romParams != "" ? romParams : ""

StringReplace,mameRomPaths,romPathFromIni,|,`"`;`",1 ; replace all instances of | to ; in the Rom_Path from Emulators.ini so mame knows where to find your roms
mameRomPaths := "-rompath """ . (If mameRomName ? romPath : mameRomPaths) . """" ; if using an alt rom, only supply mame with the path to that rom so it doesn't try to use the original rom

If InStr(romParams,"-rompath")
ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . romName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")
If InStr(sysParams,"-rompath")
ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . systemName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")

If mameRomName {
FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%mameRomName%%romExtension% ; rename rom to match what mame needs
originalRomName := romName ; store romName from database so we know what to rename it back to later
romName := mameRomName
If ErrorLevel
ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . " to " . mameRomName . " in " . romPath . ". Please check you have write permission to this folder/file and you don't already have a file named """ . mameRomName . """ in your rom folder.",8)
Else ; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
fileRenamed = 1

If cheatMode = true
{ If cheatModeKey ; if user wants to use a key to enable CheatMode
cheatEnabled := If XHotkeyAllKeysPressed(cheatModeKey) ? "-cheat" : ""
Else ; no cheat mode key defined
cheatEnabled := "-cheat"

If hideConsole = true
SetTimer, HideConsole, 10

Run(executable . A_Space . romName . A_Space . fullscreen . A_Space . cheatEnabled . A_Space . videomode . A_Space . useBezels . A_Space . useOverlays . A_Space . useBackdrops . A_Space . mameRomPaths . A_Space . sysParams . A_Space . romParams, emuPath, winstate)

If(ErrorLevel != 0){
If (ErrorLevel = 1)
Error = Failed Validity
Else If(ErrorLevel = 2)
Error = Missing Files
Else If(ErrorLevel = 3)
Error = Fatal Error
Else If(ErrorLevel = 4)
Error = Device Error
Else If(ErrorLevel = 5)
Error = Game Does Not Exist
Else If(ErrorLevel = 6)
Error = Invalid Config
Else If ErrorLevel in 7,8,9
Error = Identification Error
Error = MAME Error
ScriptError("MAME Error - " . Error)

WinWait("ahk_class MAME")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class MAME")

Process("WaitClose", executable)

If fileRenamed { ; rename file back to alternate name for next launch
FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%originalRomName%%romExtension%
If ErrorLevel ; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . " back to " . originalRomName)


ListXMLInfo(rom){ ; returns MAME/MESS info about parent rom, orientation angle, resolution
Global emuFullPath, emuPath
ListXMLtable := []
RunWait, % comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt", %emuPath%, Hide
Fileread, ListxmlContents, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<game.*name=" . """" . rom . """" . ".*" . "cloneof=" . """" . "[^""""]*", parent)
RegExMatch(parent,"cloneof=" . """" . ".*", parent)
RegExMatch(parent,"""" . ".*", parent)
StringTrimLeft, parent, parent, 1
RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*rotate=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", angle)
RegExMatch(angle,"[0-9]+", angle, "-6")
RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*width=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", width)
RegExMatch(width,"[0-9]+", width, "-6")
RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*height=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Height)
RegExMatch(Height,"[0-9]+", Height, "-6")
ListXMLtable[1] := parent
ListXMLtable[2] := angle
If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
ListXMLtable[3] := height
ListXMLtable[3] := width
If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
ListXMLtable[4] := width
ListXMLtable[4] := height
FileDelete, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
Return ListXMLtable

If pauseMethod = 1
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
disableRestoreEmu = true
PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 2
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 3
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
disableRestoreEmu = true
PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 4
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 5
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
Send, {P down}
Sleep, 1000
Send, {P up}
If pauseMethod = 1
{ PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 2
{ PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 3
{ PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 4
{ PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 5
{ disableSuspendEmu = true
Send, {P down}
Sleep, 1000
Send, {P up}
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
} Else If pauseMethod = 6
WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

IfWinExist, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
{ Log("Module - HideConsole - Console window found, hiding it out of view.")
WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
SetTimer, HideConsole, Off
} Else If hideConsoleTimer >= 200
SetTimer, HideConsole, Off

WinClose("ahk_class MAME")

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par soft-bug » 14 avr. 2015 - 18:44


Merci d'essayer cette version du Module pour la v0.150 de MAME en mettant les systèmes dans la ligne MSystem ...

Sinon j'ai aussi un MAME.ini et un MAME.isd à mettre dans le même répertoire


Code : Tout sélectionner

MEmuV =  v0.150
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.1.2
MCRC = 232140EB
iCRC = 397D8196
MID = 635038268903403479
MSystem = "AAE","Cave","LaserDisc","MAME","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Sega Model 1","Sega ST-V","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","Capcom Play System","Capcom Play System 2","Capcom Play System 3"
; Notes:
; No need to edit mame.ini and set your rom folder, module sends the rompath for you.
; Command Line Options -
; High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!
; HLSL Documentation:
; If you use MAME for AAE, create a vector.ini in mame's ini subfolder and paste these HLSL settings in there:
; If you use bezel, it is recommended to set the module bezel mode to normal, and go to your mame.ini file, on your emulator folder, and choose these options: artwork_crop 1, use_backdrops 1, use_overlays 1, use_bezels 0, use_cpanels 0, use_marquees 0 

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
Videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Videomode","d3d",,1)
hlsl := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . systemName, "HLSL","false",,1)
hideConsole := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideConsole","true",,1)	; Hides console window from view if it shows up
pauseMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PauseMethod",1,,1)	; set the pause method that works better on your machine (preferred methods 1 and 2) 1 = Win7 and Win8 OK - Problems with Win XP, 2 = preferred method for WinXP - Problems in Win7, 3 and 4 = same as 1 and 2, 5 = only use If you have a direct input version of mame, 6 = suspend mame process method, it could crash mame in some computers
bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BezelMode","layout",,1)	; "layout" or "normal"
cheatMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatMode","false",,1)
cheatModeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatModeKey",A_Space,,1)	; user defined key to be held down before launching a mame rom.
sysParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
romParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
mameRomName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MameRomName", A_Space,,1)
Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Artwork_Crop", "true",,1)
Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Bezels", "false",,1)
Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Overlays", "true",,1)
Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Backdrops", "true",,1)
Use_Cpanels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Cpanels", "false",,1)
Use_Marquees := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Marquees", "false",,1)
autosave := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Autosave", "false",,1)

If bezelEnabled = true
{	artworkCrop := If (Artwork_Crop = "true") ? "-artwork_crop" : "-noartwork_crop"
	useBezels := If (Use_Bezels = "true") ? "-use_bezels" : "-nouse_bezels"
	useOverlays := If (Use_Overlays = "true") ? "-use_overlays" : "-nouse_overlays"
	useBackdrops := If (Use_Backdrops = "true") ? "-use_backdrops" : "-nouse_backdrops"
	UseCpanels := If (Use_Cpanels = "true") ? "-use_cpanels" : "-nouse_cpanels"
	UseMarquees := If (Use_Marquees = "true") ? "-use_marquees" : "-nouse_marquees"
	ListXMLtable := []
	ListXMLtable := ListXMLInfo(romName)
	If bezelMode = layout
	Else if !(Use_Bezels = "true")
} Else {
	artworkCrop := "-artwork_crop"
	useBezels := "-nouse_bezels"
	useOverlays := "-nouse_overlays"
	useBackdrops := "-nouse_backdrops"
	UseCpanels := "-nouse_cpanels"
	UseMarquees := "-nouse_marquees"	

; -romload part of 147u2 that shows what roms were checked when missing roms
winstate := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "Hide UseErrorLevel" : "UseErrorLevel"
fullscreen := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "-nowindow" : "-window"
hlsl := If hlsl = "true" ? "-hlsl_enable" : "-nohlsl_enable"
videomode := If (Videomode != "" ) ? "-video " . videomode : ""
sysParams := If sysParams != ""  ? sysParams : ""
romParams := If romParams != ""  ? romParams : ""
autosave := If autosave = "true"  ? "-autosave" : ""

StringReplace,mameRomPaths,romPathFromIni,|,`"`;`",1	; replace all instances of | to ; in the Rom_Path from Emulators.ini so mame knows where to find your roms
mameRomPaths := "-rompath """ .  (If mameRomName ? romPath : mameRomPaths) . """"	; if using an alt rom, only supply mame with the path to that rom so it doesn't try to use the original rom

If InStr(romParams,"-rompath")
	ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . romName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")
If InStr(sysParams,"-rompath")
	ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . systemName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")

If mameRomName {
	FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%mameRomName%%romExtension%	; rename rom to match what mame needs
	originalRomName := romName	; store romName from database so we know what to rename it back to later
	romName := mameRomName
	If ErrorLevel
		ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . "  to " . mameRomName . " in " . romPath . ". Please check you have write permission to this folder/file and you don't already have a file named """ . mameRomName . """ in your rom folder.",8)
	Else	; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
		fileRenamed = 1

If cheatMode = true
{	If cheatModeKey	; if user wants to use a key to enable CheatMode
		cheatEnabled := If XHotkeyAllKeysPressed(cheatModeKey) ? "-cheat" : ""
	Else	; no cheat mode key defined
		cheatEnabled := "-cheat"

If hideConsole = true
	SetTimer, HideConsole, 10

errLvl := Run(executable . A_Space . romName . A_Space . fullscreen . A_Space . hlsl . A_Space . cheatEnabled . A_Space . videomode . A_Space . artworkCrop . A_Space . useBezels . A_Space . useOverlays . A_Space . useBackdrops . A_Space . UseCpanels . A_Space . UseMarquees . A_Space . mameRomPaths . A_Space . sysParams . A_Space . romParams . A_Space . autosave, emuPath, winstate)

If errLvl {
	If (errLvl = 1)
		Error = Failed Validity
	Else If(errLvl = 2)
		Error = Missing Files
	Else If(errLvl = 3)
		Error = Fatal Error
	Else If(errLvl = 4)
		Error = Device Error
	Else If(errLvl = 5)
		Error = Game Does Not Exist
	Else If(errLvl = 6)
		Error = Invalid Config
	Else If errLvl in 7,8,9
		Error = Identification Error
		Error = MAME Error
	Log("MAME Error - " . Error,3)

WinWait("ahk_class MAME")
WinWaitActive("ahk_class MAME")

Process("WaitClose", executable)

If fileRenamed {	; rename file back to alternate name for next launch
	FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%originalRomName%%romExtension%
	If ErrorLevel	; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
		ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . " back to " . originalRomName)


ListXMLInfo(rom){ ; returns MAME/MESS info about parent rom, orientation angle, resolution
	Global emuFullPath, emuPath
	ListXMLtable := []
	RunWait, % comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt", %emuPath%, Hide
	Fileread, ListxmlContents, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
	RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<game.*name=" . """" . rom . """" . ".*" . "cloneof=" . """" . "[^""""]*", parent)
	RegExMatch(parent,"cloneof=" . """" . ".*", parent)
	RegExMatch(parent,"""" . ".*", parent)
	StringTrimLeft, parent, parent, 1
	RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*rotate=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", angle)
	RegExMatch(angle,"[0-9]+", angle, "-6")
	RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*width=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", width)
	RegExMatch(width,"[0-9]+", width, "-6")
	RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*height=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Height)
	RegExMatch(Height,"[0-9]+", Height, "-6")
	ListXMLtable[1] := parent
	ListXMLtable[2] := angle
	If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
		ListXMLtable[3] := height
		ListXMLtable[3] := width
	If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
		ListXMLtable[4] := width
		ListXMLtable[4] := height
	FileDelete, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
	Return ListXMLtable	

	If pauseMethod = 1
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		disableRestoreEmu = true
		PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 2
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 3
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		disableRestoreEmu = true
		PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 4
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 5
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		Send, {P down}
		Sleep, 1000
		Send, {P up} 
	If pauseMethod = 1
	{	PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 2
	{	PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 3
	{	PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 4
	{	PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 5
	{	disableSuspendEmu = true
		Send, {P down}
		Sleep, 1000
		Send, {P up} 
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
	} Else If pauseMethod = 6
		WinActivate, ahk_class MAME

	IfWinExist, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
	{	Log("Module - HideConsole - Console window found, hiding it out of view.")
		WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
		SetTimer, HideConsole, Off
	} Else If hideConsoleTimer >= 200
		SetTimer, HideConsole, Off

	WinClose("ahk_class MAME")

Code : Tout sélectionner

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<INIFILE name="%ModuleName%" required="false">
				<SECTION name="Settings" required="false">
						<KEY name="Fullscreen" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Fullscreen</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters globally for all systems using this module</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="HideConsole" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables hiding of console window that can appear while in windowed mode or using bezels. Usually this window informs you of missing roms and/or samples but can be annoying if the game still works as it shows up behind the bezel.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Videomode" required="false" nullable="true">
							<DESCRIPTION>Choices are gdi,ddraw,d3d. If left blank, MAME uses d3d by default.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="BezelMode" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Choices are layout or normal. If left blank, layout will be used by default. "Layout" allows MAME to use it's built-in layout support, where-as "normal" only uses HyperLaunch bezels.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="CheatMode" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cheats in Mame provided you placed the cheat.7z in the same folder as the mame executable. When in mame you can check if cheat mode was successfully loaded by going into the TAB menu and seeing that there is a new menu entry named "Cheat". High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="CheatModeKey" required="false" nullable="true">
							<DESCRIPTION>If you set a CheatModeKey, it will only enable Mame cheats if you hold this key down before Mame is launched. High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="pauseMethod" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>set the pause method that works better on your machine (preferred methods 1 and 2) 1 = Win7 and Win8 OK - Problems with Win XP, 2 = preferred method for WinXP - Problems in Win7, 3 and 4 = same as 1 and 2, 5 = only use If you have a direct input version of mame, 6 = suspend mame process method, it could crash mame in some. computers</DESCRIPTION>
				<SECTION name="%SystemName%" required="false">
						<KEY name="Params" required="false" nullable="true">
							<DESCRIPTION>System specific option that adds a CLI command to all games of this system at boot</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="HLSL" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables HLSL filters for just this system</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Artwork_Crop" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cropping of artwork to the game screen area only for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Bezels" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Bezel Image for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Overlays" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Overlay for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Backdrops" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Backdrops for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Cpanels" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables the display of control panels for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Marquees" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables the display of marquees for the entire system. Can be overwritten by the per-rom setting of the same name.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Autosave" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Auto-Saving and Auto-Loading of game sessions. When enabled, upon exiting mame, your state will be saved and automatically resumed next time you run any game on this system. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
				<SECTION name="%RomName%" required="false">
						<KEY name="Params" required="false" nullable="true">
							<DESCRIPTION>ROM specific option that adds a CLI command to that game at boot</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="MameRomName" required="false" nullable="true">
							<DESCRIPTION>For games that require they be named the original rom's name, set this key to the original rom name. Likewise you also set a "-rompath PATH" in the Params key to the path the rom can be found so mame will look there for the alternate rom.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Artwork_Crop" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables cropping of artwork to the game screen area only for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Bezels" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Bezel Image for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Overlays" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Overlay for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Backdrops" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Backdrops for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Cpanels" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables the display of control panels for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Use_Marquees" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables the display of marquees for just this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>
						<KEY name="Autosave" required="false" nullable="false">
							<DESCRIPTION>Enables/Disables Auto-Saving and Auto-Loading of game sessions. When enabled, upon exiting mame, your state will be saved and automatically resumed next time you run this game. Overwrites the system setting.</DESCRIPTION>

Code : Tout sélectionner

# ROM Specific Options:

[Capcom Play System Vertical]

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Inscription : 29 août 2014 - 01:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 14 avr. 2015 - 19:37

Merci soft

Oui moi aussi j'ai les 3 fichiers.

Alors, je viens d'essayer ton module et j'ai dans un premier temps eu cette erreur :

Du coup j'ai viré la ligne en défaut ( BezelGUI()) et je me retourve avec le même défaut qu'avant :cry:
Je comprends pas. J'ai une config de mauvaise qqspart

voici le log de HL :

Code : Tout sélectionner

19:28:02:875 | HL |     INFO  | +N/A   | Main - HyperLaunch v3.0.0.9
19:28:02:875 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - System Specs:
					HyperLaunch Dir: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch
					OS: WIN_XP
					Architecture: 32-bit (might not be accurate)
					OS Language: 040C
					OS Admin Status: Yes
					Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1024x768 (1024x740 work)
					AutoHotkey Path: 
					AHK Version:
					Unicode: No
19:28:02:875 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - HyperSpin.exe coordinates are x y w h
19:28:02:875 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe exists
19:28:02:875 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Databases\Main Menu\Main Menu.xml exists
19:28:02:921 | HL |     INFO  | +47    | Main - HyperLaunch launched directly
19:28:04:140 | HL |     INFO  | +1219  | Main - HyperLaunch received "CPS2" and "armwar"
19:28:04:156 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - armwar is using the default emulator: MAME
19:28:04:156 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [MAME] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\CPS2\Emulators.ini
19:28:04:156 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [MAME] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
19:28:04:156 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [MAME] in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
19:28:04:156 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk exists
19:28:04:171 | HL |  WARNING  | +15    | Main - CRC Check - CRC does not match official module and will not be supported. Continue using at your own risk.
19:28:04:171 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - armwar will use module: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +32    | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extensions" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Romfiles\CPS2\
19:28:04:203 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame.exe exists
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +15    | CheckPaths - Ended
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:
					DetectHiddenWindows, ON
					SetTitleMatchMode, 2
					SendMode, Event
					0 = 0
					frontendPID = 0
					frontendPath = C:\HyperSpin
					frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
					frontendExt = exe
					frontendName = HyperSpin
					frontendDrive = C:
					exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
					exitEmulatorKeyWait = 0
					forceHoldKey = ~Esc
					restoreFE = false
					exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s
					emuFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame.exe
					emuPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME
					emuName = MAME
					emuExt = exe
					romPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Romfiles\CPS2
					romPathFromIni = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Romfiles\CPS2
					romExtension = .zip
					romExtensionOrig = .zip
					romExtensions = zip|7z
					executable = mame.exe
					systemName = CPS2
					dbName = armwar
					romName = 
					romMapPath = 
					romMappingEnabled = false
					romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
					romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
					romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
					romMappingNumberOfWheelsByScreen = 7
					romMappingMenuWidth = 300
					romMappingMenuMargin = 50
					romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s40 Bold
					romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
					romMappingTextSizeDifference = 5
					romMappingTextMargin = 10
					romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
					romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Bold
					romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
					romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s15 Regular
					romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
					romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
					romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
					romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
					romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
					romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 40
					romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 5
					romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
					romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
					skipchecks = false
					romMatchExt = true
					logFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.log
					logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","  DEBUG1","  DEBUG2"]
					logLevel = 3
					logIncludeModule = true
					logIncludeFileProperties = true
					logShowCommandWindow = false
					logCommandWindow = false
					navUpKey = Up
					navDownKey = Down
					navLeftKey = Left
					navRightKey = Right
					navSelectKey = Enter
					navP2UpKey = Numpad8
					navP2DownKey = Numpad2
					navP2LeftKey = Numpad4
					navP2RightKey = Numpad6
					navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter
					originalWidth = 1024
					originalHeight = 768
					dtEnabled = false
					dtPath = 
					dtUseSCSI = false
					dtAddDrive = true
					emuIdleShutdown = 0
					hideEmu = false
					hideFE = false
					fadeIn = false
					fadeInDuration = 500
					fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
					fadeInDelay = 0
					fadeInExitDelay = 0
					fadeOutExitDelay = 0
					fadeOut = false
					fadeOutDuration = 500
					fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
					fadeOutDelay = 0
					fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
					fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
					fadeLyr1AlignImage = Align to Top Left
					fadeLyr2Pos = Bottom Right Corner
					fadeLyr2X = 300
					fadeLyr2Y = 300
					fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
					fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr3Pos = Center
					fadeLyr3X = 300
					fadeLyr3Y = 300
					fadeLyr3Adjust = 0.75
					fadeLyr3Speed = 750
					fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
					fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
					fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
					fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
					fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
					fadeLyr4Adjust = 0.75
					fadeLyr4X = 100
					fadeLyr4Y = 100
					fadeLyr4Pos = Above Layer 3 - Left
					fadeLyr4FPS = 10
					fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
					fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
					fadeBarWindow = false
					fadeBarWindowX = 
					fadeBarWindowY = 
					fadeBarWindowW = 600
					fadeBarWindowH = 120
					fadeBarWindowR = 20
					fadeBarWindowM = 20
					fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
					fadeBarBack = true
					fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
					fadeBarH = 20
					fadeBarR = 5
					fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
					fadeBarHatchStyle = 3
					fadeBarPercentageText = true
					fadeBarInfoText = true
					fadeBarXOffset = 0
					fadeBarYOffset = 100
					fadeRomInfoDescription = text
					fadeRomInfoSystemName = text
					fadeRomInfoYear = text
					fadeRomInfoManufacturer = text
					fadeRomInfoGenre = text
					fadeRomInfoRating = text
					fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating
					fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = topRight
					fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 5
					fadeRomInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeRomInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = disabled
					fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
					fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
					fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
					fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topLeft
					fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 5
					fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
					fadeText1X = 0
					fadeText1Y = 0
					fadeText1Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
					fadeText1 = Loading Game
					fadeText2X = 0
					fadeText2Y = 0
					fadeText2Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
					fadeText2 = Extraction Complete
					fadeFont = Arial
					fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
					fadeInterruptKey = 
					detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
					fadeImgPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Fade
					HLDataPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Data
					HLMediaPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media
					HLErrSoundPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Sounds\Error
					modulesPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules
					moduleFullName = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\MAME\MAME.ahk
					moduleName = MAME
					modulePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\MAME
					moduleExtension = ahk
					moduleExtensionsPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions
					libPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib
					7zEnabled = false
					7zPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe
					7zDllPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll
					7zExtractPath = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrateur\Mes documents
					7zExtractPathOrig = 
					7zAttachSystemName = false
					7zDelTemp = true
					7zSounds = true
					7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.lzh,.gzip,.tar
					7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,lzh,gzip,tar
					mgEnabled = false
					mgKey = ~NumpadSub
					mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
					mgSidePadding = 0.2
					mgYOffset = 500
					mgImageAdjust = 0
					mgFont = Arial
					mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
					mgText1Text = Please select a game
					mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
					mgText2Offset = 70
					mgUseSound = true
					mgSoundfreq = 300
					mgExitEffect = none
					mgSelectedEffect = rotate
					mgUseGameArt = false
					mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
					hpEnabled = false
					hpKey = ~NumpadAdd
					hpBackToMenuBarKey = X
					hpZoomInKey = C
					hpZoomOutKey = V
					hpScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
					hpHiToTextPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
					hpSaveStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{F7 down}{F7 up}{shift up}
					hpLoadStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{F7 down}{F7 up}{shift up}
					keymapperEnabled = false
					keymapper = 
					xpadderFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\xpadder.exe
					joyToKeyFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe
					keymapperProfilePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\
					keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
					keymapperHyperLaunchProfileEnabled = false
					JoyIDsEnabled = false
					JoyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global
					JoyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal = use_global
					CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false
					CustomJoyNames = 
					FEProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\HyperSpin
					defaultProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\_Default
					systemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\CPS2
					xPadderSystemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\CPS2\_Default
					emuProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\CPS2\MAME
					romProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\CPS2\armwar
					blankProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\blank
					HyperLaunchProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\\HyperLaunch
					bezelEnabled = false
					statisticsEnabled = true

19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions Init.ahk script
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
					    MEmu = MAME
					    MEmuV =  v0.150
					    MURL =
					    MAuthor = djvj
					    MVersion = 2.1.2
					    MCRC = 232140EB
					    iCRC = 397D8196
					    MID = 635038268903403479
					    MSystem = "AAE","Cave","LaserDisc","MAME","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Sega Model 1","Sega ST-V","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","CPS","CPS2","CPS3"
					    ; Notes:
					    ; No need to edit mame.ini and set your rom folder, module sends the rompath for you.
					    ; Command Line Options -
					    ; High Scores DO NOT SAVE when cheats are enabled!
					    ; HLSL Documentation:
					    ; If you use MAME for AAE, create a vector.ini in mame's ini subfolder and paste these HLSL settings in there:
					    ; If you use bezel, it is recommended to set the module bezel mode to normal, and go to your mame.ini file, on your emulator folder, and choose these options: artwork_crop 1, use_backdrops 1, use_overlays 1, use_bezels 0, use_cpanels 0, use_marquees 0
					    settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
					    Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
					    Videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Videomode","d3d",,1)
					    hlsl := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . systemName, "HLSL","false",,1)
					    hideConsole := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideConsole","true",,1)   ; Hides console window from view if it shows up
					    pauseMethod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PauseMethod",1,,1)   ; set the pause method that works better on your machine (preferred methods 1 and 2) 1 = Win7 and Win8 OK - Problems with Win XP, 2 = preferred method for WinXP - Problems in Win7, 3 and 4 = same as 1 and 2, 5 = only use If you have a direct input version of mame, 6 = suspend mame process method, it could crash mame in some computers
					    bezelMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BezelMode","layout",,1)   ; "layout" or "normal"
					    cheatMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatMode","false",,1)
					    cheatModeKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "CheatModeKey",A_Space,,1)   ; user defined key to be held down before launching a mame rom.
					    sysParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
					    romParams := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Params", A_Space,,1)
					    mameRomName := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "MameRomName", A_Space,,1)
					    Artwork_Crop := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Artwork_Crop", "true",,1)
					    Use_Bezels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Bezels", "false",,1)
					    Use_Overlays := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Overlays", "true",,1)
					    Use_Backdrops := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Backdrops", "true",,1)
					    Use_Cpanels := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Cpanels", "false",,1)
					    Use_Marquees := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Use_Marquees", "false",,1)
					    autosave := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, systemName . "|" . romName, "Autosave", "false",,1)
					    If bezelEnabled = true
					    {   artworkCrop := If (Artwork_Crop = "true") ? "-artwork_crop" : "-noartwork_crop"
					       useBezels := If (Use_Bezels = "true") ? "-use_bezels" : "-nouse_bezels"
					       useOverlays := If (Use_Overlays = "true") ? "-use_overlays" : "-nouse_overlays"
					       useBackdrops := If (Use_Backdrops = "true") ? "-use_backdrops" : "-nouse_backdrops"
					       UseCpanels := If (Use_Cpanels = "true") ? "-use_cpanels" : "-nouse_cpanels"
					       UseMarquees := If (Use_Marquees = "true") ? "-use_marquees" : "-nouse_marquees"
					       ListXMLtable := []
					       ListXMLtable := ListXMLInfo(romName)
					       If bezelMode = layout
					       Else if !(Use_Bezels = "true")
					    } Else {
					       artworkCrop := "-artwork_crop"
					       useBezels := "-nouse_bezels"
					       useOverlays := "-nouse_overlays"
					       useBackdrops := "-nouse_backdrops"
					       UseCpanels := "-nouse_cpanels"
					       UseMarquees := "-nouse_marquees"   
					    ; -romload part of 147u2 that shows what roms were checked when missing roms
					    winstate := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "Hide UseErrorLevel" : "UseErrorLevel"
					    fullscreen := If (Fullscreen = "true") ? "-nowindow" : "-window"
					    hlsl := If hlsl = "true" ? "-hlsl_enable" : "-nohlsl_enable"
					    videomode := If (Videomode != "" ) ? "-video " . videomode : ""
					    sysParams := If sysParams != ""  ? sysParams : ""
					    romParams := If romParams != ""  ? romParams : ""
					    autosave := If autosave = "true"  ? "-autosave" : ""
					    StringReplace,mameRomPaths,romPathFromIni,|,`"`;`",1   ; replace all instances of | to ; in the Rom_Path from Emulators.ini so mame knows where to find your roms
					    mameRomPaths := "-rompath """ .  (If mameRomName ? romPath : mameRomPaths) . """"   ; if using an alt rom, only supply mame with the path to that rom so it doesn't try to use the original rom
					    If InStr(romParams,"-rompath")
					       ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . romName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")
					    If InStr(sysParams,"-rompath")
					       ScriptError("""-rompath"" is defined as a parameter for " . systemName . ". The MAME module fills this automatically so please remove this from Params in the module's settings.")
					    If mameRomName {
					       FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%mameRomName%%romExtension%   ; rename rom to match what mame needs
					       originalRomName := romName   ; store romName from database so we know what to rename it back to later
					       romName := mameRomName
					       If ErrorLevel
					          ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . "  to " . mameRomName . " in " . romPath . ". Please check you have write permission to this folder/file and you don't already have a file named """ . mameRomName . """ in your rom folder.",8)
					       Else   ; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
					          fileRenamed = 1
					    If cheatMode = true
					    {   If cheatModeKey   ; if user wants to use a key to enable CheatMode
					          cheatEnabled := If XHotkeyAllKeysPressed(cheatModeKey) ? "-cheat" : ""
					       Else   ; no cheat mode key defined
					          cheatEnabled := "-cheat"
					    If hideConsole = true
					       SetTimer, HideConsole, 10
					    errLvl := Run(executable . A_Space . romName . A_Space . fullscreen . A_Space . hlsl . A_Space . cheatEnabled . A_Space . videomode . A_Space . artworkCrop . A_Space . useBezels . A_Space . useOverlays . A_Space . useBackdrops . A_Space . UseCpanels . A_Space . UseMarquees . A_Space . mameRomPaths . A_Space . sysParams . A_Space . romParams . A_Space . autosave, emuPath, winstate)
					    If errLvl {
					       If (errLvl = 1)
					          Error = Failed Validity
					       Else If(errLvl = 2)
					          Error = Missing Files
					       Else If(errLvl = 3)
					          Error = Fatal Error
					       Else If(errLvl = 4)
					          Error = Device Error
					       Else If(errLvl = 5)
					          Error = Game Does Not Exist
					       Else If(errLvl = 6)
					          Error = Invalid Config
					       Else If errLvl in 7,8,9
					          Error = Identification Error
					          Error = MAME Error
					       Log("MAME Error - " . Error,3)
					    WinWait("ahk_class MAME")
					    WinWaitActive("ahk_class MAME")
					    Process("WaitClose", executable)
					    If fileRenamed {   ; rename file back to alternate name for next launch
					       FileMove, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %romPath%\%originalRomName%%romExtension%
					       If ErrorLevel   ; if rename was successful, set var so we know to move it back later
					          ScriptError("There was a problem renaming " . romName . " back to " . originalRomName)
					    ListXMLInfo(rom){ ; returns MAME/MESS info about parent rom, orientation angle, resolution
					       Global emuFullPath, emuPath
					       ListXMLtable := []
					       RunWait, % comspec . " /c " . """" . emuFullPath . """" . " -listxml " . rom . " > tempBezel.txt", %emuPath%, Hide
					       Fileread, ListxmlContents, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
					       RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<game.*name=" . """" . rom . """" . ".*" . "cloneof=" . """" . "[^""""]*", parent)
					       RegExMatch(parent,"cloneof=" . """" . ".*", parent)
					       RegExMatch(parent,"""" . ".*", parent)
					       StringTrimLeft, parent, parent, 1
					       RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*rotate=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", angle)
					       RegExMatch(angle,"[0-9]+", angle, "-6")
					       RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*width=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", width)
					       RegExMatch(width,"[0-9]+", width, "-6")
					       RegExMatch(ListxmlContents, "s)<display.*height=" . """" . "[0-9]+" . """", Height)
					       RegExMatch(Height,"[0-9]+", Height, "-6")
					       ListXMLtable[1] := parent
					       ListXMLtable[2] := angle
					       If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
					          ListXMLtable[3] := height
					          ListXMLtable[3] := width
					       If (ListXMLtable[2]<>0)
					          ListXMLtable[4] := width
					          ListXMLtable[4] := height
					       FileDelete, %emuPath%\tempBezel.txt
					       Return ListXMLtable   
					       If pauseMethod = 1
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          disableRestoreEmu = true
					          PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 2
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          PostMessage,0x211, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 3
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          disableRestoreEmu = true
					          PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 4
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 5
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          Send, {P down}
					          Sleep, 1000
					          Send, {P up}
					       If pauseMethod = 1
					       {   PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 2
					       {   PostMessage,0x212, 1, , , ahk_class MAME
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 3
					       {   PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 4
					       {   PostMessage,% 0x0400+6, 0, , , ahk_class MAME
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 5
					       {   disableSuspendEmu = true
					          Send, {P down}
					          Sleep, 1000
					          Send, {P up}
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       } Else If pauseMethod = 6
					          WinActivate, ahk_class MAME
					       IfWinExist, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
					       {   Log("Module - HideConsole - Console window found, hiding it out of view.")
					          WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
					          SetTimer, HideConsole, Off
					       } Else If hideConsoleTimer >= 200
					          SetTimer, HideConsole, Off
					       WinClose("ahk_class MAME")

19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded User Functions.ahk script
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
19:28:04:218 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\AutoHotkey.dll exists
19:28:04:234 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - Running module
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: MAME
					MEmuV: v0.150
					MAuthor: djvj
					MVersion: 2.1.2
					MCRC: 232140EB
					iCRC: 397D8196
					MSystem: "AAE","Cave","LaserDisc","MAME","Nintendo Arcade Systems","Sega Model 1","Sega ST-V","SNK Neo Geo","SNK Neo Geo AES","CPS","CPS2","CPS3"
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "CPS2"
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Fullscreen: true
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Videomode: d3d
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - HLSL: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - HideConsole: true
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - PauseMethod: 1
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - BezelMode: normal
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - CheatMode: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Artwork_Crop: true
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Use_Bezels: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Use_Overlays: true
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Use_Backdrops: true
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Use_Cpanels: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Use_Marquees: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - Autosave: false
19:28:04:359 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Run - Running: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MAME\mame.exe armwar -nowindow -nohlsl_enable  -video d3d -artwork_crop -nouse_bezels -nouse_overlays -nouse_backdrops -nouse_cpanels -nouse_marquees -rompath "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Romfiles\CPS2"   
19:28:04:437 | MD |     INFO  | +78    | Module WinWait - Waiting for ahk_class MAME
19:28:04:781 | MD |     INFO  | +344   | Module - HideConsole - Console window found, hiding it out of view.
19:28:08:000 | MD |     INFO  | +3218  | Module WinWaitActive - Waiting for "ahk_class MAME"
19:28:08:109 | MD |     INFO  | +110   | Module Process - WaitClose mame.exe 
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +1656  | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Starting
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StopGlobalUserFeatures - Ending
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Starting Updating Statistics:
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CreateRomTable - Started
19:28:09:765 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | CreateRomTable - Ended, 7 Loops to create table.
19:28:09:890 | MD |     INFO  | +125   | Game section statistics updated.
19:28:09:890 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
19:28:09:890 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | End of Module Logs
19:28:09:921 | HL |     INFO  | +5687  | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally
19:28:09:921 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
19:28:09:937 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
19:28:09:953 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | ExitScript - Ended

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Inscription : 25 janv. 2013 - 00:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par lukudo » 15 avr. 2015 - 08:35

Sinon tu veux pas esquiver hyperlaunch et passer Mame direct en éxécutable dans hyperHQ? A moins que tu tiens à mettre les bezels...

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Messages : 369
Inscription : 04 févr. 2015 - 22:51
A remercié : 21 fois
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par Julien » 15 avr. 2015 - 11:58

Bonjour à tous,
Pouvez vous m'aider a regler un problème?
Quand je lance hyperspin (heavy box), certains emulateurs ne marchent pas cps1 2 3 ...mais ca c pas grave je me pencherai dessu plus tard.
Pour ceux qui marchent, le jeu se lance (jusqu'ici tout vas bien) mais si je quitte hyperspin, quand j'y retourne impossible de lancer les jeux, je dois aller dans le gestionnaire et fermer hyperlaunch, et quand je relance tout marche. Comment faire sans devoir fermer hyperlaunch a chaque fois???


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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 15 avr. 2015 - 12:27

Julien a écrit :Bonjour à tous,
Pouvez vous m'aider a regler un problème?
Quand je lance hyperspin (heavy box), certains emulateurs ne marchent pas cps1 2 3 ...mais ca c pas grave je me pencherai dessu plus tard.
Pour ceux qui marchent, le jeu se lance (jusqu'ici tout vas bien) mais si je quitte hyperspin, quand j'y retourne impossible de lancer les jeux, je dois aller dans le gestionnaire et fermer hyperlaunch, et quand je relance tout marche. Comment faire sans devoir fermer hyperlaunch a chaque fois???

Salut julien, ouvrir un post dedie a ton pb serait plus adaptaté

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 15 avr. 2015 - 12:29

lukudo a écrit :Sinon tu veux pas esquiver hyperlaunch et passer Mame direct en éxécutable dans hyperHQ? A moins que tu tiens à mettre les bezels...
Ok mais je sais pas trop comment faire pour gerer ca.

Et puis j'aimerais vraiment comprendre l'origine de mon pb car je pense avoir tout fait dans les regles.

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Inscription : 22 sept. 2013 - 01:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par Tarma » 18 avr. 2015 - 18:34

Salut mimso,
Bon j'ai reproduit ton probleme !!!
Je cherche une solution et je reviens vers vous les gars...
. Image . Image .
- Sega Aero City / Vortex SC14 -

[CPS1] Daimakaimura JAP / Final Fight US / Multi AJE
[CPS2] Multi DarkSoft
[MVS] Metal Slug 1/2/X/3/4/5 US / Multi DarkSoft / 161 in 1
[PGM] Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou
[CAVE] Mushihimesama Futari Black Label / Deathsmiles
[KONAMI] Asterix

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Inscription : 29 août 2014 - 01:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 18 avr. 2015 - 18:42

Tarma a écrit :Salut mimso,
Bon j'ai reproduit ton probleme !!!
Je cherche une solution et je reviens vers vous les gars...
Trop cool. vivement que tu m'expliques :)
merci pour le temps passé.

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Messages : 848
Inscription : 22 sept. 2013 - 01:00
Localisation : Le Vesinet
A remercié : 38 fois
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par Tarma » 21 avr. 2015 - 21:52

J'ai trouvé !!!!!
Le probleme vient des roms.... non pas des roms mais des roms (bon c'est nul je sors...)
Remplace les avec celles de la HFSboxSP ! j'ai testé et ca fonctionne !!!
. Image . Image .
- Sega Aero City / Vortex SC14 -

[CPS1] Daimakaimura JAP / Final Fight US / Multi AJE
[CPS2] Multi DarkSoft
[MVS] Metal Slug 1/2/X/3/4/5 US / Multi DarkSoft / 161 in 1
[PGM] Dodonpachi Dai Ou Jou
[CAVE] Mushihimesama Futari Black Label / Deathsmiles
[KONAMI] Asterix

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Inscription : 29 août 2014 - 01:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 21 avr. 2015 - 22:02

Tarma a écrit :J'ai trouvé !!!!!
Le probleme vient des roms.... non pas des roms mais des roms (bon c'est nul je sors...)
Remplace les avec celles de la HFSboxSP ! j'ai testé et ca fonctionne !!!
Yo, ca serait trop cool que ca marche :-)
Il me semble pourtant que j'ai testé aussi avec les roms de la HFSbox sync (meme rom j'imagine)
Je fais la manip en retrant, merci ;-)
Jte tiens au jus

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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par mimso » 22 avr. 2015 - 09:38

C'est ok ici, le sujet est passé en résolu, youpi !!!

Pour rappel, mon système est composé de la heavybox LCD32bit + HL3
A priori le pb vient d'une imcompatibilité entre MAME32/rom/HL3

Pour faire fonctionner le tout, il fallait utiliser les rom de la HFSbox.

Merci beaucoup à Tarma qui a passé pas mal de temps pour résoudre mon problème.

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Inscription : 10 févr. 2013 - 00:00
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Re: Problème lancement certains jeux MAME via HL

Message par soft-bug » 22 avr. 2015 - 09:51

mimso a écrit :C'est ok ici, le sujet est passé en résolu, youpi !!!

Pour rappel, mon système est composé de la heavybox LCD32bit + HL3
A priori le pb vient d'une imcompatibilité entre MAME32/rom/HL3

Pour faire fonctionner le tout, il fallait utiliser les rom de la HFSbox.

Merci beaucoup à Tarma qui a passé pas mal de temps pour résoudre mon problème.
Sacré Farceur ... :lol:


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