Problème (aléatoire) avec hyperspin et touche start

Ici se règle les problèmes concernant une configuration Hyperspin tournant sous HyperLaunch 2 et ses déclinaisons.

Modérateurs : Porko, Modérateurs

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Re: Problème (aléatoire) avec hyperspin et touche start

Message par kikikirissx » 20 août 2015 - 17:20

oui tu edites a la main avec notepad il y a surement un truc a ajouter/enlever/réécrire mais la je suis une buse

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Re: Problème (aléatoire) avec hyperspin et touche start

Message par Ozone » 20 août 2015 - 17:23

Poste nous une copie de ton module et on pourra te dire s'il est bon ou pas.
Normalement si c'est celui de la heavybox il devrait être bon.

ps: pour faire une copie du ahk tu fais click droit et ouvrir avec bloc note. Tu copies le texte et tu le colles dans ton post en spoiler ;)

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Inscription : 20 août 2015 - 15:42

Re: Problème (aléatoire) avec hyperspin et touche start

Message par thomach » 20 août 2015 - 17:25

Le voici :) :
; Super Nintendo Entertainment System
; zsnesw v1.51
; by djvj
; 1.1
; Notes:
; Be sure to set the settings you want below
Fullscreen = true
Stretch = false
resX = 1024
resY = 768
DisplayRomInfo = false ; Display rom info on load along bottom of screen

SetKeyDelay, 50
zsnesFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "zsnesw.cfg")
FileRead, zsnesCfg, %zsnesFile%

GUI_ID := FadeInStart()

xLine := TF_Find(zsnesCfg,"","","CustomResX=") ; find location in zsnes cfg where it stores its custom X res
yLine := TF_Find(zsnesCfg,"","","CustomResY=") ; find location in zsnes cfg where it stores its custom Y res
modeLine := TF_Find(zsnesCfg,"","","cvidmode=") ; find location in zsnes cfg where it stores its custom vid mode
zsnesCfg := TF_ReplaceLine(zsnesCfg,xLine,xLine,"CustomResX=" . resX) ; update custom X res in zsnes cfg file
zsnesCfg := TF_ReplaceLine(zsnesCfg,yLine,yLine,"CustomResY=" . resY) ; update custom Yres in zsnes cfg file

If ( Fullscreen = "true" && Stretch = "true" ) ; sets fullscreen, stretch, and filter support
vidMode = 39
Else If ( Fullscreen = "true" && Stretch != "true" ) ; sets fullscreen, correct aspect ratio, and filter support
vidMode = 42
Else ; sets windowed mode with filter support
vidMode = 38

zsnesCfg := TF_ReplaceLine(zsnesCfg,modeLine,modeLine,"cvidmode=" . vidMode) ; update custom vid mode in zsnes cfg file

; Setting DisplayRomInfo setting in cfg if it doesn't match what user wants above
currentDRI := (InStr(zsnesCfg, "DisplayInfo=1") ? ("true") : ("false"))
If ( DisplayRomInfo != "true" And currentDRI = "true" ) {
StringReplace, zsnesCfg, zsnesCfg, DisplayInfo=1, DisplayInfo=0
} Else If ( DisplayRomInfo = "true" And currentDRI = "false" ) {
StringReplace, zsnesCfg, zsnesCfg, DisplayInfo=0, DisplayInfo=1

SaveFile(zsnesCfg, zsnesFile) ; save changes to zsnesw.cfg

7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)

Run, %executable% "%romPath%%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%

WinWait, ZSNES ahk_class ZSNES
WinWaitActive, ZSNES ahk_class ZSNES

GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()

Process, WaitClose, %executable%

7z2 := 7zCleanUp()

GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()

WinActivate, Hyperspin


SaveFile(text,file) {
FileDelete, %file%
FileAppend, %text%, %file%

GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
Send, {Alt Down}{F4 Down}{F4 Up}{Alt Up} ; No other closing method seems to work

TF_Find(Text, StartLine = 1, EndLine = 0, SearchText = "", ReturnFirst = 1, ReturnText = 0)
{ ; complete rewrite for 3.1
TF_GetData(OW, Text, FileName)
If (RegExMatch(Text, SearchText) < 1)
Return "0" ; SearchText not in file or error, do nothing
TF_MatchList:=_MakeMatchList(Text, StartLine, EndLine) ; create MatchList
Loop, Parse, Text, `n
If A_Index in %TF_MatchList%
If (RegExMatch(A_LoopField, SearchText) > 0)
If (ReturnText = 0)
Lines .= A_Index "," ; line number
Else If (ReturnText = 1)
Lines .= A_LoopField "`n" ; text of line
Else If (ReturnText = 2)
Lines .= A_Index ": " A_LoopField "`n" ; add line number
If (ReturnFirst = 1) ; only return first occurence
If (Lines <> "")
StringTrimRight, Lines, Lines, 1 ; trim trailing , or `n
Lines = 0 ; make sure we return 0
Return Lines

TF_ReplaceLine(Text, StartLine = 1, Endline = 0, ReplaceText = "")
TF_GetData(OW, Text, FileName)
TF_MatchList:=_MakeMatchList(Text, StartLine, EndLine) ; create MatchList
Loop, Parse, Text, `n, `r
If A_Index in %TF_MatchList%
Output .= ReplaceText "`n"
Output .= A_LoopField "`n"
Return TF_ReturnOutPut(OW, OutPut, FileName)

TF_GetData(byref OW, byref Text, byref FileName)
OW=0 ; default setting: asume it is a file and create file_copy
IfNotInString, Text, `n ; it can be a file as the Text doesn't contact a newline character
If (SubStr(Text,1,1)="!") ; first we check for "overwrite"
OW=1 ; overwrite file (if it is a file)
IfNotExist, %Text% ; now we can check if the file exists, it doesn't so it is a var
If (OW=1) ; the variable started with a ! so we need to put it back because it is variable/text not a file
Text:= "!" . Text
OW=2 ; no file, so it is a var or Text passed on directly to TF
Else ; there is a newline character in Text so it has to be a variable
If (OW = 0) or (OW = 1) ; it is a file, so we have to read into var Text
Text := (SubStr(Text,1,1)="!") ? (SubStr(Text,2)) : Text
FileName=%Text% ; Store FileName
FileRead, Text, %Text% ; Read file and return as var Text
If (ErrorLevel > 0)
MsgBox, 48, TF Lib Error, % "Can not read " FileName

TF_Count(String, Char)
StringReplace, String, String, %Char%,, UseErrorLevel
Return ErrorLevel

TF_ReturnOutPut(OW, Text, FileName, TrimTrailing = 1, CreateNewFile = 0) { ; HugoV
If (OW = 0) ; input was file, file_copy will be created, if it already exist file_copy will be overwritten
IfNotExist, % FileName ; check if file Exist, if not return otherwise it would create an empty file. Thanks for the idea Murp|e
If (CreateNewFile = 1) ; CreateNewFile used for TF_SplitFileBy* and others
OW = 1
Goto CreateNewFile
If (TrimTrailing = 1)
StringTrimRight, Text, Text, 1 ; remove trailing `n
SplitPath, FileName,, Dir, Ext, Name
If (Dir = "") ; if Dir is empty Text & script are in same directory
Dir := A_ScriptDir
IfExist, % Dir "\backup" ; if there is a backup dir, copy original file there
FileCopy, % Dir "\" Name "_copy." Ext, % Dir "\backup\" Name "_copy.bak", 1
FileDelete, % Dir "\" Name "_copy." Ext
FileAppend, %Text%, % Dir "\" Name "_copy." Ext
Return Errorlevel ? False : True
If (OW = 1) ; input was file, will be overwritten by output
IfNotExist, % FileName ; check if file Exist, if not return otherwise it would create an empty file. Thanks for the idea Murp|e
If (CreateNewFile = 0) ; CreateNewFile used for TF_SplitFileBy* and others
If (TrimTrailing = 1)
StringTrimRight, Text, Text, 1 ; remove trailing `n
SplitPath, FileName,, Dir, Ext, Name
If (Dir = "") ; if Dir is empty Text & script are in same directory
Dir := A_ScriptDir
IfExist, % Dir "\backup" ; if there is a backup dir, copy original file there
FileCopy, % Dir "\" Name "." Ext, % Dir "\backup\" Name ".bak", 1
FileDelete, % Dir "\" Name "." Ext
FileAppend, %Text%, % Dir "\" Name "." Ext
Return Errorlevel ? False : True
If (OW = 2) ; input was var, return variable
If (TrimTrailing = 1)
StringTrimRight, Text, Text, 1 ; remove trailing `n
Return Text

_MakeMatchList(Text, Start = 1, End = 0)
Error 01: Invalid StartLine parameter (non numerical character)
Error 02: Invalid EndLine parameter (non numerical character)
Error 03: Invalid StartLine parameter (only one + allowed)
StringSplit, ErrorMessage, ErrorList, |
Error = 0

TF_MatchList= ; just to be sure
If (Start = 0 or Start = "")
Start = 1

; some basic error checking

; error: only digits - and + allowed
If (RegExReplace(Start, "[ 0-9+\-\,]", "") <> "")
Error = 1

If (RegExReplace(End, "[0-9 ]", "") <> "")
Error = 2

; error: only one + allowed
If (TF_Count(Start,"+") > 1)
Error = 3

If (Error > 0 )
MsgBox, 48, TF Lib Error, % ErrorMessage%Error%

; Option #1
; StartLine has + character indicating startline + incremental processing.
; EndLine will be used
; Make TF_MatchList

IfInString, Start, `+
If (End = 0 or End = "") ; determine number of lines
End:= TF_Count(Text, "`n") + 1
StringSplit, Section, Start, `, ; we need to create a new "TF_MatchList" so we split by ,
Loop, %Section0%
StringSplit, SectionLines, Section%A_Index%, `+
LoopSection:=End + 1 - SectionLines1
TF_MatchList .= SectionLines1 ","
Loop, %LoopSection%
If (A_Index >= End) ;
If (Counter = (SectionLines2-1)) ; counter is smaller than the incremental value so skip
TF_MatchList .= (SectionLines1 + A_Index) ","
StringTrimRight, TF_MatchList, TF_MatchList, 1 ; remove trailing ,
Return TF_MatchList

; Option #2
; StartLine has - character indicating from-to, COULD be multiple sections.
; EndLine will be ignored
; Make TF_MatchList

IfInString, Start, `-
StringSplit, Section, Start, `, ; we need to create a new "TF_MatchList" so we split by ,
Loop, %Section0%
StringSplit, SectionLines, Section%A_Index%, `-
LoopSection:=SectionLines2 + 1 - SectionLines1
Loop, %LoopSection%
TF_MatchList .= (SectionLines1 - 1 + A_Index) ","
StringTrimRight, TF_MatchList, TF_MatchList, 1 ; remove trailing ,
Return TF_MatchList

; Option #3
; StartLine has comma indicating multiple lines.
; EndLine will be ignored
IfInString, Start, `,
Return TF_MatchList

; Option #4
; parameters passed on as StartLine, EndLine.
; Make TF_MatchList from StartLine to EndLine

If (End = 0 or End = "") ; determine number of lines
End:= TF_Count(Text, "`n") + 1
Loop, %LoopTimes%
TF_MatchList .= (Start - 1 + A_Index) ","
TF_MatchList .= End ","
StringTrimRight, TF_MatchList, TF_MatchList, 1 ; remove trailing ,
Return TF_MatchList
Edit: Porko merci de mettre des balises la prochaine fois sinon ça fout la merde...

Code : Tout sélectionner

[spolier="titre"] [/spoiler]
edit: Ah oui pardon, excusez moi, j'ai lu le message d'ozone en diagonale

edit 2: Sachant que j'ai le ahk de la heavybox et qu'Il ne me semble pas l'avoir modifié, j'imagine donc qu'il n'y a pas de soucis avec le fichier. Ce serait plutôt mon windows dans ce cas qui execute mal le ahk ou qui galère à fermer le processus?

edit 3: Au cas ou, j'ai vu sur le forum que quelqu'un avait le même problème (viewtopic.php?f=35&t=7519&start=0" onclick=";return false;). La dernière réponse ne donne rien chez moi (j'avais déjà modifié la touche de sortie et ce n'est pas échap).

Edit Final: Ca y'est j'ai enfin compris d'ou venait mon problème. En fait, mon windows n'est pas activé. Du coup, j'ai l'info bulle d'activation qui pop de temps en temps. Si je suis en train de jouer à un jeu supernes et que l'info bulle pop, alors le bug apparaît (le processus znes ne se ferme pas quand je quitte le jeu ou quitte hyperspin). Donc moralité, il faut bien activer son windows avant de faire des tests, sinon on se retrouve devant des problèmes à la con et on perd son après midi ;)
Merci bien pour l'aide en tout cas.


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