I only translate the article "Tout ce qu' il faut savoir sur Zspin" by our administrator "metheore" I would be very happy if you can help me with translation errors.
A mod can also revise the text if he wants to.
Wiki Z
What you need to know first of all is that Zspin respects the same folder tree structure as hyperspin.
In fact, it supports what has been done for hyperspin (theme, database,...) some features still need to be implemented.
You can place your Zspin where you want it. To work it must simply point to a data directory built as follows:

-> At the first start you will be offered a configuration menu:

- Langue(Language)
Language of the application: Language selection
- Chemins(Routes)
Data directory: Select your[YourBox] folder according to the example above.
- Lanceur(Lancet)
Launcher application: select the. exe of your launcher (RocketLauncher, RetroArch...)
Launcher parameters: to be modified according to your launcher
- Touches(Touch buttons)
Allows you to apply the controls of your choice to navigate under Zspin.
- Executer l'application(Run the application)
At startup of zspin: Allows as its name indicates to execute an application when launching Zspin.
At zspin output: Allows as its name indicates to execute an application at Zspin output.
- Voir les dossiers(View files)
Allows you to open the different folders.
- Remise à zéro(Reset to zero)
Reset the parameters
Code : Tout sélectionner
\Users\[Nom User]\AppData\Local\zspin
Hyperspin did not allow to point a database type "main menu" from another one of the same format. Zspin rectifies this and you can now classify your systems on several levels.
The only requirement is that the initial menu is named Main Menu. xml.
Code : Tout sélectionner
<game name="Arcade"/>
<game name="Consoles"/>
<game name="Consoles Portables"/>
<game name="Ordinateurs"/>
Code : Tout sélectionner
<game name="Capcom"/>
<game name="Cave"/>
<game name="SNK Neo Geo"/>
Code : Tout sélectionner
<game name="Capcom Play System"/>
<game name="Capcom Play System 2"/>
<game name="Capcom Play System 3"/>
Code : Tout sélectionner
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
<hyperfreespin>HyperFREEspinToXML version 1.00</hyperfreespin>
<game name="sfiii3nr1" index="" image="">
<description>Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight for the Future</description>

The position of wheels is defined by a file named wheel. json placed in the database folder of the desired system.
It comes in this form:
Code : Tout sélectionner
"transitionTime": 170,
"selectPosition": 14,
"hide": false,
"hideStart": 1500,
"hideDuration": 1500,
"points": [
{"x":-25, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":1},
{"x":-20, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":2},
{"x":-15, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":3},
{"x":-10, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":4},
{"x":-5, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":5},
{"x":0, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":6},
{"x":5, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":7},
{"x":10, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":8},
{"x":15, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":9},
{"x":20, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":10},
{"x":25, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":11},
{"x":30, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":12},
{"x":35, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":13},
{"x":40, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":14},
{"x":60, "y":80, "angle":0, "scale":2.2, "index":15},
{"x":80, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":14},
{"x":85, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":13},
{"x":90, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":12},
{"x":95, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":11},
{"x":100, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":10},
{"x":105, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":9},
{"x":110, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":8},
{"x":115, "y":80, "angle":-70, "scale":1, "index":7}
transitionTime: The transition time for passing from one wheel to another.
selectPosition: designates the active wheel, knowing that the numbering starts from 0. So in our example wheel 14 is indicated by the position of the index 15
hide: true/false, indicates whether or not you want to enable the hide.
hideStart specifies from how long the hide will start.
hideDuration: the duration of time for the wheels to disappear.
Points: Allows you to place the points constituting your wheel on your screen.
x: Placement on the horizontal axis in percent.
y: placement on the vertical axis in percent.
angle: rotation of the element.
scale: zoom in on the element.
index: item numbering. Attention selectPosition+1
Which brings up in our example:

This is a rough draft done under tapatalk at work, the goal being to have a consistent doc for Saturday's release.
We will therefore work on its layout as it is edited.