[RESOLU]NEC TurboGrafx-16 autohotkey .ddl

Ici se règle les problèmes concernant la configuration des différents émulateurs.

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Messages : 103
Inscription : 24 nov. 2016 - 10:38
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NEC TurboGrafx-16 autohotkey .ddl

Message par bactino » 15 nov. 2017 - 20:55

Bonjour A tous je suis nouveau sa fait un bon moment j'installe des thèmes mes y'en a que un seul qui me pose problème c'est "NEC TurboGrafx-16" pour l'installation pas souci mes quand je lance un jeu peut importe le jeux j'ai a chaque fois ce problème Image
si une personne aurais une solution par-contre c'est la 1er fois je poste donc hésiter pas a me demander des trucs a vous fournir pour que vous puisiez m'aider car je c'est pas trop ou chercher
pour info je suis sur RL je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide.

Voila aussi Mon AHK

MEmu = Magic Engine
MEmuV = v1.1.3
MURL = http://www.magicengine.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
MAuthor = djvj
MVersion = 2.0
MCRC = 821018BC
iCRC = 7930CF86
MID = 635038268901782138
MSystem = "NEC PC Engine","NEC PC Engine-CD","NEC PC-FX","NEC SuperGrafx","TurboGrafx 16","NEC TurboGrafx-CD"
; Notes:
; Download and extract nomousy to the folder with this module from http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2197" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (it makes the cursor transparent, so clicks will still register)
; This is used to prevent the mouse cursor from appearing in the middle of your screen when you run Magic Engine
; xPadder/joy2key don't work, the emu reads raw inputs. If you use gamepads, make sure you set your keys in Config->Gamepad
; Set your desired Video settings below.
; Tested with emulator Magic Engine FX v1.0.1
; This is not the same emu as Magic Engine. It only emulates a PC-FX, but module script is almost the same.
; CD systems:
; Make sure your DAEMON_Tools_Path in Settings\Global HyperLaunch.ini is correct
; Make sure you have the syscard3.pce rom in your emu dir. You can find the file here: http://www.fantasyanime.com/emuhelp/syscards.zip" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
Windowed := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Windowed","y",,1) ; y=Simulated Fullscreen mode, n=Normal Fullscreen mode - Simulated Fullscreen mode is preferred, it still looks fullscreen
WideScreenMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "WideScreenMode","n",,1) ; y=enable, n=disable
DesktopMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DesktopMode","y",,1) ; y=enable, n=disable - This is basically what sets fullscreen mode. Set to n to show emu in a small window
FullscreenStretch := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "FullscreenStretch","y",,1) ; y=enable, n=disable - This stretches the game screen while keeping the aspect ratio
HighResMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HighResMode","y",,1) ; y=enable, n=disable
Filter := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Filter","1",,1) ; 1=bilinear filtering , 0=disable
TripleBuffer := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "TripleBuffer","y",,1) ; y=enable, n=disable (DirectX only)
Zoom := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Zoom","2",,1) ; 4=zoom max , 0=no zoom, use any value between 0 and 4
scanlines := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "scanlines","0",,1) ; 0=none, 40=black, use any value in between 0 and 40
vSync := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "vSync","1",,1) ; 0=disable, 1=enable, 2=vsync + timer (special vsync for windowed mode)
vDriver := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "vDriver","1",,1) ; 0=DirectX, 1=OpenGL
xRes := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "xRes","1280",,1)
yRes := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "yRes","1024",,1)
bitDepth := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bitDepth","32",,1)
DisplayRes := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DisplayRes","n",,1) ; Display screen resolution for troubleshooting
UseNoMousy := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "UseNoMousy","true",,1) ; Use NoMousy tool to hide the mouse. If false, will move mouse off the screen instead

If systemName contains pcfx,pc-fx
meini = pcfx.ini
meini = pce.ini

MEINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\" . meini,"Could not find " . emuPath . "\" . meini . "`nPlease run Magic Engine manually first so it is created for you.")
If UseNoMousy = true
noMousyFile := CheckFile(moduleExtensionsPath . "\nomousy.exe","You have UseNoMousy enabled in the module, but could not find " . moduleExtensionsPath . "\nomousy.exe")
If systemName contains CD,pcfx,pc-fx
CheckFile(emuPath . "\SYSCARD3.PCE","Cannot find " . emuPath . "\SYSCARD3.PCE`nThis file is required for CD systems when using Magic Engine.")
If dtEnabled = true
DaemonTools("get") ; populates the dtDriveLetter variable with the drive letter to your scsi or dt virtual drive
ScriptError("You are running a CD-based system with Magic Engine but do not have Daemon Tools enabled. Please enable DT `, it is required to run CD systems with this module.")
If InStr(systemName,"CD")?"":" -cd"

; Now let's update all our keys if they differ in the ini
iniLookup =
( ltrim c
video, windowed, %Windowed%
video, wide, %WideScreenMode%
video, desktop, %DesktopMode%
video, fullscreen, %FullscreenStretch%
video, high_res, %HighResMode%
video, filter, %Filter%
video, triple_buffer, %TripleBuffer%
video, Zoom, %Zoom%
video, scanlines, %scanlines%
video, vsync, %vSync%
video, driver, %vDriver%
video, screen_width, %xRes%
video, screen_height, %yRes%
video, screen_depth, %bitDepth%
cdrom, drive_letter, %dtDriveLetter%:
misc, screen_resolution, %DisplayRes%
Loop, Parse, iniLookup, `n
StringSplit, split, A_LoopField, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
IniRead, tempVar, %MEINI%, %split1%, %split2%
If ( tempVar != split3 )
IniWrite, % split3, %MEINI%, %split1%, %split2%

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

If systemName contains CD,pcfx,pc-fx ; your system name must have "CD" in it's name
DaemonTools("mount",romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension)
Run, % executable . " syscard3.pce" . (If InStr(systemName,"CD")?"":" -cd"), %emuPath%
Run, %executable% "%romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%", %emuPath%

WinWait("MagicEngine ahk_class MagicEngineWindowClass")
WinWaitActive("MagicEngine ahk_class MagicEngineWindowClass")

If UseNoMousy = true
Run, %noMousyFile% /hide ; hide cursor
MouseMove %A_ScreenWidth%,%A_ScreenHeight%

Process("WaitClose", executable)

If systemName contains CD,pcfx,pc-fx
If UseNoMousy = true
Run, %noMousyFile% ; unhide cursor


WinClose("MagicEngine ahk_class MagicEngineWindowClass")

Esc::Return ; this prevents the quick flash of Hyperspin when exiting with fade on. You can still exit with Esc.

Messages : 103
Inscription : 24 nov. 2016 - 10:38
A remercié : 26 fois
A été remercié : 9 fois

Re: NEC TurboGrafx-16 autohotkey .ddl

Message par bactino » 15 nov. 2017 - 21:49

mon probleme est résolu le souci venez du ahk j'ai ajouter un autre ahk et ça fonctionne nickel


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