j'utilise le script suivant pour lancer Retroarch Après plusieurs semaines de travail, tout fonctionne nickel avec des vieux cores. Si je veux passer sur des nouveaux cores, par exemple, la dernière version du core PPSSPP, la version de retroarch semble trop vieille. Je voudrais donc passer sous la derniere version de retroarch mais impossible de trouver le script qui va bien. Ca lance et fait une erreur. Ci dessous le log.
QQ aurait une idée ? une audre script qui fonctionne avec cette version d"hyperlaunch et les nouvelles versions de retroach ??
merci de votre aide !!
Code : Tout sélectionner
10:05:13 | HyperLaunch v2.25c
10:05:13 | System Specs:
HyperSpin Dir: F:\hyperspin1.0
OS Language: 040C
OS Admin Status: Yes
Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1920x1080 (1920x1040 work)
HyperSpin Res: 1920x1080
AHK Version:
10:05:13 | HyperLaunch received "Nintendo Entertainment System" and "1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA)"
10:05:13 | INI Keys read
10:05:13 | Checking paths
10:05:13 | Finished injecting functions into module
10:05:13 | Module is built
10:05:13 | Hiding mouse cursor
10:05:13 | Running module:
;Built in script
DetectHiddenWindows, ON
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
SendMode, Event
0 = 2
exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
emuPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\emulators\retroarch\
romPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\emulators\Nintendo Entertainment System\roms\
romPathFromIni = F:\hyperspin1.0\emulators\Nintendo Entertainment System\roms\
romExtension = .nes
romExtensionOrig = .nes
romExtensions = zip,nes
executable = retroarch.exe
systemName = Nintendo Entertainment System
romName = 1943 - The Battle of Midway (USA)
daemonToolsPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\"
skipchecks = false
fadeIn = false
fadeOut = false
fadeColor = 0x000000
fadeInDuration = 500
fadeOutDuration = 500
fadeInDelay = 0
fadeInInterruptKeys = {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Capslock}{Numlock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
gameStartImgPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\GameStart\
moduleExtensionPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\Modules\Module Extensions\
7zEnable = false
7zExtractDir = C:\Windows\Temp\
7zExtractDirOrig =
7zDelTemp = true
7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.tar
7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,gzip,tar
mgEnabled = false
mgKey = NumpadSub
mgSelectKey = Enter
mgExitKey = Esc
multiGameImgPath = F:\hyperspin1.0\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\MultiGame\
mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
mgSidePadding = 0.2
mgYOffset = 500
mgImageAdjust = 1
mgFont = Arial
mgText1Options = x10p y30p w80p Centre cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 Bold Italic
mgText1Text = Please select a game
mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center Bold Italic
mgText2Offset = 70
mgUseSound = true
mgSoundfreq = 300
mgExitEffect = none
mgSelectedEffect = rotate
mgUseGameArt = false
mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
Hotkey, ~Esc, CloseProcess
;Module script
retroCFG := CheckFile(emuPath . "\configs\Nintendo_Entertainment_System.cfg")
emuDLL := CheckFile(emuPath . libretro_path)
fullscreen := (If fullscreen = "true" ? ("-f") : (""))
GUI_ID := FadeInStart()
IfNotExist, %emuPath%srm
FileCreateDir, %emuPath%srm ; creating srm dir if it doesn't exist
IfNotExist, %emuPath%save
FileCreateDir, %emuPath%save ; creating save dir if it doesn't exist
7z1 := 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractDir)
RunEmu(executable, """" . romPath . romName . romExtension . """", "-c" . retroCFG, "-L" .emuDLL, "-s srm", "-S save", emuPath, "Hide")
WinWait, ahk_class RetroArch
WinWaitActive, ahk_class RetroArch
GUI_ID2 := FadeInExit()
Process, WaitClose, %executable%
7z2 := 7zCleanUp()
GUI_ID4 := FadeOutExit()
WinActivate, Hyperspin
RunEmu(exe,rom,param1=0,param2=0,param3=0,param4=0 ,relativepath=0, option=0) {
Run, %exe% %rom% %param1% %param2% %param3% %param4%, %relativepath%, %option%
GUI_ID3 := FadeOutStart()
WinClose, ahk_class RetroArch
Suspend, On
7z(7zP, 7zN, 7zE, 7zExtractDir){
7zCleanUp() {
IfNotExist, %file%
If msg
ScriptError(msg, timeout)
ScriptError("Cannot find " . file, timeout)
Return %file%
10:05:40 | Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally