[TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Ici se règle les problèmes concernant une configuration Hyperspin tournant sous HyperLaunch 2 et ses déclinaisons.

Modérateurs : Porko, Modérateurs

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 25 mars 2013 - 07:17

Pour le american laser games c'est le tempo à changer.
Sleep 100 ne suffit pas. Il faut entre 4000 et 6000 suivant les config.

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par soft-bug » 25 mars 2013 - 09:34


Avez vous pensé au fichier INI ... quand je vois toute ces touches envoyées, je me dis qu'une petite étude de l'émulateur en question devrait réduire cela ..

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 25 mars 2013 - 09:39

Pas de possibilité de changer quoi que ce soit.
La seule solution est celle donné plus haut ;-)

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 20 oct. 2013 - 01:49

Et si on désire lancer un autre émulateur... théoriquement même principe alors?
Style atomiswave lancer le 0.56 et 0.57 suivant les jeux!
Je vais tester.oui , à la place de %executable% tu met le chemin exact avec avec l'executable
test ça:

Run, %emupath%D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Atomiswave\demul32-0.5.7\demul.exe -run=%system% -rom=%Romname%
après un essai pour utiliser demul 0.58 er 0.58.1 cette commande ne fonctionne pas.

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par grandsion » 20 oct. 2013 - 22:15

et si tu fais une invite de commande ça marche ?

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 20 oct. 2013 - 23:05

Mon demul 0.58.1 est dans:

Le 0.58:

Que ferais tu?

Je dois faire une exception pour ninja assault et virtua striker 3

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par grandsion » 20 oct. 2013 - 23:27

} Else
If ( romName = "virtua striker 3" or romName = "ninja assault" ){

Run, D:\hyperspin\emulators\atomiswave\demul.exe -run=%system% -rom=%Romname%

a tester en remplaçant le %emupath% par ton chemin

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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 21 oct. 2013 - 03:04

ça m'ouvre toujours l'autre émulateur!

Spoiler: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sega Naomi
; Demul .56
; by BBB
; 1.0
; Notes:

fullscreenWidth = 1920
fullscreenHeight = 1080

If ( romName = "ninjaslt4" or romName = "vstrik3c" ){

Run, D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Naomi\demul.exe -run=%system% -rom=%Romname%

Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
Gui, Color, White
logoXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 600 /2
Gui, Add, Picture,x%logoXPos% y120, %A_ScriptDir%ModulesSega NaomiLogo.png
loadXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 230 /2
loadYPos := A_ScreenHeight - 100
Gui, Add, Picture,x%loadXPos% y%loadYPos%, %A_ScriptDir%ModulesSega NaomiLoading.png
Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%


currentName := %RomName%.name
currentControls := %RomName%.controls

settingsFile = %emupath%Demul.ini
padFile = %emupath%padDemul.ini

;This part might need some work since I havent familiarized myself with all the control possibilities
if(currentControls = "lightgun" || currentControls = "mouse"){
IniWrite, 131072, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
IniWrite, standard, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE
}else if(currentControls = "keyboard"){
IniWrite, 1073741824, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
IniWrite, keybaord, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE
IniWrite, 16777216, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
IniWrite, currentControls, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE

if(currentControls = "standard" || currentControls = "lightgun"){
else if(currentControls = "ggxstyle"){
else if(currentControls = "sfstyle"){
else if(currentControls = "lightgun"){
else if(currentControls = "driving"){

IniWrite, 200, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, UP
IniWrite, 208, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, DOWN
IniWrite, 203, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, LEFT
IniWrite, 205, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, RIGHT
IniWrite, 46, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT1
IniWrite, 18, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
IniWrite, 44, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
IniWrite, 45, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 21, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5
IniWrite, 38, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, START
IniWrite, 39, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, COIN

IniWrite, 72, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, UP
IniWrite, 76, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, DOWN
IniWrite, 75, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, LEFT
IniWrite, 77, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, RIGHT
IniWrite, 50, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT1
IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
IniWrite, 45, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5
IniWrite, 19, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, START
IniWrite, 51, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, COIN

IniWrite, 18, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
IniWrite, 44, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
IniWrite, 20, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 21, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5

IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
IniWrite, 24, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

IniWrite, 45, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
IniWrite, 21, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
IniWrite, 18, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 44, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5

IniWrite, 49, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

IniWrite, 45, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
IniWrite, 21, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
IniWrite, 18, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 44, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5

IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
IniWrite, 24, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

IniWrite, %fullscreenWidth%, %emupath%gpuOglv3.ini, resolution, fWidth
IniWrite, %fullscreenHeight%, %emupath%gpuOglv3.ini, resolution, fHeight
Run, "%Emupath%%Executable%" -run=naomi -rom=%RomName%
SetTimer, CheckWin, 2

IfWinNotExist, ahk_class window
WinGetPos,,,W,,ahk_class window
if(W != sizeOrg sizeOrg != ""){
Goto StartGame
sizeOrg = %W%

SetTimer, CheckWin, Off
WinActivate ahk_class window
Send !{ENTER}
Gui Destroy
Process, WaitClose, %executable%

Process, Close, %executable%

18wheelr := Object("name", "18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker", "controls", "driving")
akatsukibk := Object("name", "Akatsuki Bk Ausf Achse", "controls", "standard")
alpiltdx := Object("name", "Airline Pilots Deluxe (Rev. B)", "controls", "driving")
alpilota := Object("name", "Airline Pilots (Rev. A)", "controls", "driving")
azumanga := Object("name", "Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble", "controls", "standard")
capsnk := Object("name", "Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (904)", "controls", "sfstyle")
capsnka := Object("name", "Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (804)", "controls", "sfstyle")
crackndj := Object("name", "Crack'n DJ", "controls", "standard")
crzytaxi := Object("name", "Crazy Taxi", "controls", "driving")
csmash := Object("name", "Cosmic Smash (rev.A)", "controls", "standard")
csmasho := Object("name", "Cosmic Smash (original)", "controls", "standard")
cspike := Object("name", "Gun Spike (Japan)", "controls", "reverse")
deathcox := Object("name", "Death Crimson OX", "controls", "lightgun")
derbyoc := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club", "controls", "standard")
derbyocw := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev. C)", "controls", "standard")
derbyoc2 := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club II", "controls", "standard")
doa2 := Object("name", "Dead or Alive 2", "controls", "standard")
doa2m := Object("name", "Dead or Alive 2 Millenium", "controls", "standard")
dybb99 := Object("name", "Worls Series '99 / Dynamite Baseball '99", "controls", "standard")
dybbnao := Object("name", "Dynamite Basball naomi (JPN)", "controls", "standard")
f355 := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge", "controls", "driving")
f355twin := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge (Twin) ", "controls", "driving")
f355twin2 := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 (Twin)", "controls", "driving")
ggram2 := Object("name", "Giant Gram", "controls", "standard")
ggx := Object("name", "Guilty Gear X (JPN)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
gram2000 := Object("name", "Giant Gram 2000", "controls", "standard")
gunsur2 := Object("name", "Gun Survivor 2-Bio Hazard Code Veronica", "controls", "fps")
gwing2 := Object("name", "Giga Wing 2", "controls", "standard")
hmgeo := Object("name", "Heavy Metal Geomatrix", "controls", "standard")
hotd2 := Object("name", "House of the Dead 2", "controls", "lightgun")
hotd2o := Object("name", "House of the Dead 2 (Original)", "controls", "lightgun")
jambo := Object("name", "Jambo! Safari (Rev. A)", "controls", "jambodriving")
kick4csh := Object("name", "Kick '4' Cash", "controls", "standard")
mvsc2 := Object("name", "Marvel vs. Capcom 2", "controls", "sfstyle")
otrigger := Object("name", "OutTrigger", "controls", "standard")
pjustic := Object("name", "Project Justice /Moeru Justice Gakuen", "controls", "sfstyle")
pstone := Object("name", "Powerstone", "controls", "standard")
pstone2 := Object("name", "Powerstone 2", "controls", "standard")
qmegamis := Object("name", "Quiz Ah Megamisama", "controls", "standard")
samba := Object("name", "Samba De Amigo (Rev. B)", "controls", "samba")
sgtetris := Object("name", "Sega Tetris", "controls", "standard")
shangril := Object("name", "Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la", "controls", "keyboard")
shootpl := Object("name", "Shootout Pool / Shootout Pool Prize", "controls", "standard")
shootopl := Object("name", "Shootout Pool", "controls", "standard")
shtnglv2k7 := Object("name", "Shooting Love 2007", "controls", "standard")
slasho := Object("name", "Slashout", "controls", "standard")
smarinef := Object("name", "Sega Marine Fishing", "controls", "standard")
smlg99 := Object("name", "Super Major League '99", "controls", "standard")
spawn := Object("name", "Spawn - In the Demon's Hand", "controls", "standard")
sstrkfgt := Object("name", "Sega Strike Fighter (Rev. A)", "controls", "standard")
suchie3 := Object("name", "Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3", "controls", "keyboard")
totd := Object("name", "The Typing of the Dead", "controls", "keyboard")
toyfight := Object("name", "Toy Fighter", "controls", "standard")
virnba := Object("name", "Virtua NBA", "controls", "standard")
virnbao := Object("name", "Virtua NBA (original)", "controls", "standard")
vs2_2k := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000", "controls", "standard")
vtennis := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis / Power Smash", "controls", "standard")
vtenis2c := Object("name", "Virtua Tennes 2 / Power Smash", "controls", "standard")
wwfroyal := Object("name", "WWF Royal Rumble", "controls", "standard")
zombrvn := Object("name", "Zombie Revenge", "controls", "standard")

;Naomi GD Rom
azumanga := Object("name", "Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble (GDL-0018)", "controls", "standard")
bdrdown := Object("name", "Border Down (Rev A) (GDL-0023-A)", "controls", "standard")
cfield := Object("name", "Chaos Field (GDL-0025)", "controls", "standard")
chocomk := Object("name", "Musapey's Choco Maker (Rev. A) (GDL-0014A)", "controls", "standard")
cleoftp := Object("name", "Cleopatra Fortune Plus (GDL-0012)", "controls", "standard")
confmiss := Object("name", "Confidential Mission (GDS-0001)", "controls", "lightgun")
cvs2gd := Object("name", "Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 (Rev A) (GDL-0007A)", "controls", "sfstyle")
cvsgd := Object("name", "Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2000 Pro (GDL-0004)", "controls", "sfstyle")
dygolf := Object("name", "Virtua Golf Dynamic Golf (GDA-0009)", "controls", "mouse")
ggxx := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX (GDL-0011)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
ggxxac := Object("name", "Guilty Gear Accent Core (GDL-041) ", "controls", "ggxstyle")
ggxxrl := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX #Reload (Rev A) (GDL-0019A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
ggxxsla := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX Slash (Rev A) (GDL-0033A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
gundmgd := Object("name", "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon (GDL-001)", "controls", "standard")
gundmxgd := Object("name", "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon DX (GDL-0006)", "controls", "standard")
ikaruga := Object("name", "Ikaruga (GDL-0010)", "controls", "standard")
jingystm := Object("name", "Jingi Storm - The Arcade (GDL-0037)", "controls", "standard")
karous := Object("name", "Karous (GDL-0040)", "controls", "standard")
keyboard := Object("name", "La Keyboard (GDS-0017)", "controls", "keyboard")
kurucham := Object("name", "Kurukuru Chameleon (GDL-0034)", "controls", "standard")
lupinsho := Object("name", "Lupin the Third - The Shooting (GDS-0018)", "controls", "lightgun")
luptype := Object("name", "Lupin the Third - The Typing (Rev A) (GDS-0021A)", "controls", "keyboard")
mamonoro := Object("name", "Mamonoro", "controls", "standard")
meltyb := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (GDL-0039)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
meltyba := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (Rev A) (GDL-0039A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
meltybld := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (Rev C) (GDL-0028C)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
moeru := Object("name", "Burning Casino / Moery Casinyo (GDL-0013)", "controls", "standard")
mok := Object("name", "The Maze of Kings (GDS-0022)", "controls", "lightgun")
monkeyba := Object("name", "Monkey Ball (GDS-0008)", "controls", "standard")
ngdup23a := Object("name", "naomi Dimm Firmware Updater (GDL-0023A)", "controls", "standard")
ngdup23c := Object("name", "naomi Dimm Firmware Updater (GDL-0023C)", "controls", "standard")
psyvar2 := Object("name", "Psyvariar 2 - The will to Fabricate (GDL-0024)", "controls", "standard")
puyofev := Object("name", "Puyo Puyo Fever (GDS-0031)", "controls", "standard")
quizgd := Object("name", "Quiz Ketai Q mode (GDL-0017)", "controls", "standard")
radirgy := Object("name", "Radirgy (GDL-0032)", "controls", "standard")
radirgynoa := Object("name", "Radirgy Noir", "controls", "standard")
senko := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde New ver. (Rev A) (GDL-0030A)", "controls", "standard")
senkoo := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde (original) (GDL-0030)", "controls", "standard")
senkosp := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde Speacial (GDL-0038)", "controls", "standard")
sfz3ugd := Object("name", "Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (GDL-0002)", "controls", "sfstyle")
shikgam2 := Object("name", "Then Castle of Ahikigami II / Shikagami No Shiro II (GDL-0021)", "controls", "standard")
slashout := Object("name", "Slashout (GDS-0004)", "controls", "standard")
spkrbtl := Object("name", "Spikers Battle (GDS-0005)", "controls", "standard")
sprtjam := Object("name", "Sports Jam (GDS-0003)", "controls", "standard")
ss2005 := Object("name", "Super Shanghai 2005 (GDL-0031)", "controls", "standard")
ss2005a := Object("name", "Super Shanghai 2005 (Rev. A) (GDL-0031A)", "controls", "standard")
starseek := Object("name", "Doki Doki Star Seeker (GDL-0005)", "controls", "standard")
takoron := Object("name", "Noukone Puzzle Takoron (GDL-0042)", "controls", "standard")
tetkiwam := Object("name", "Tetris Kiwamemichi (GDL-0020)", "controls", "standard")
trgheart := Object("name", "Trigger Heart Excelica (Rev A) (GDL-0036A)", "controls", "standard")
trizeal := Object("name", "Trizeal (GDL-0026)", "controls", "standard")
undefeat := Object("name", "Under Defeat (GDL-0035)", "controls", "standard")
usagui := Object("name", "Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (GDL-0022)", "controls", "keyboard")
vathlete := Object("name", "Virtua Atheletics / Virtua Athlete (GDS-0019)", "controls", "standard")
vtennis2 := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis 2 / Power Smash 2 (Rev A) (GDS-0015A)", "controls", "standard")
vtennisg := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis (GDS-0011)", "controls", "standard")
wsbbgd := Object("name", "World Series Basball / Super Major League (GDS-0010)", "controls", "standard")

;Naomi 2
clubkrte := Object("name", "Club Kart - European Session (Cart)", "controls", "driving")
vf4cart := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
vf4evoct := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
vstrike3c := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
wldrider := Object("name", "Wild Riders (Cart)", "controls", "driving")

;Naomi 2 GD Rom
beachspi := Object("name", "Beach Spikers (gds-0014)", "controls", "standard")
initd := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage (Rev B) (GDS-0020B)", "controls", "driving")
initdexp := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage (Export) (GDS-0025)", "controls", "driving")
initdv2j := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.2 (GDS-0026)", "controls", "driving")
initdv3j := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.3 (GDS-0032B)", "controls", "driving")
vf4 := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (GDS-0012)", "controls", "standard")
vf4b := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev B) (GDS-0012B)", "controls", "standard")
vf4c := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev C) (GDS-0012C)", "controls", "standard")
vf4evo := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Rev B) (GDS-0024B)", "controls", "standard")
vf4evoa := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Rev A) (GDS-0024A)", "controls", "standard")
vf4tuned := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev B) (GDS-0036F)", "controls", "standard")
vf4tuneda := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev A) (GDS-0036A)", "controls", "standard")
vf4tunedd := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev D) (GDS-0036D)", "controls", "standard")
vstrik3 := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)", "controls", "standard")
vstrik3c := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (cart)", "controls", "standard")

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Messages : 1875
Inscription : 30 déc. 2012 - 00:00
A été remercié : 1 fois

Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par Firch » 21 oct. 2013 - 04:24

bon, je dois d'abord admettre que j'ai pas tout compris à votre merdier :lol!:  

bon si je resume et si j'ai bien compris ton probleme micaelo
tu veux utiliser demul 5.8.0 pour tes jeux naomi
et la version 5.8.1 pour 2 jeux (virtua striker 3 et ninja assault)
ou alors,,, precise moi si c'est l'inverse

si le module fonctionne pour ces 2 version de demul,,
à ce moment là, j'ai la solution,, et de plus, t'auras pas besoin de trifouiller le fichier ahk
c'est possible d'avoir plusieurs emulateurs differents, le tout dans la même wheel (et ceci est valable peu importe la version d'hyperlaunch)
mais il faudrait que tu me dise si ce que j'ai ecrit plus haut est bon ou alors si je suis totalement à coté de la plaque :clown:

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Messages : 3379
Inscription : 19 oct. 2012 - 01:00
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A remercié : 98 fois
A été remercié : 165 fois

Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 21 oct. 2013 - 11:30

c'est l'inverse

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Messages : 1875
Inscription : 30 déc. 2012 - 00:00
A été remercié : 1 fois

Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par Firch » 21 oct. 2013 - 14:22

ok, c'etait l'inverse :)  

bon, tout d'abord tu dois faire une copie ton fichier "Sega Naomi.ini" que tu renommera comme bon te semble
mais afin que les explication qui suivent soivent clair je le nommerai "Sega Naomi (bis).ini"
donc desormais dons dossier setting, tu as "Sega Naomi.ini" et "Sega Naomi (bis).ini"
le "Sega Naomi.ini",, tu n'y touche pas
quant au "Sega Naomi (bis).ini", tu l'ouvre, et tu change le chemin de l'emulateur pour qu'il te dirige vers ton demul 5.8.0, si tes roms "Virtua Striker 3" et Ninja Assualt sont dans un repertoire different du reste de tes jeux Naomi, tu renomme le chemin,, dans le cas contraire, tu n'y touche pas
tu sauvegarde en quittant
1ere etape terminé

ensuite, tu vas dans ton dossier module
tu creer un repertoire portant le nom de "Sega Naomi (bis).ini" avec un module demul à l'interieur que tu renommera "Sega Naomi (bis).ini"
2eme etape terminé (jusque là, rien de vraiment compliqué)

ensuite,, tu va dans ton dossier database
(je te rassure, pas besoin de creer un repertoire "Sega Naomi (bis)" et pas besoin de creer un "Sega Naomi (bis).xml")
tu vas dans le repertoire Sega Naomi" et tu ouvre "Sega Naomi (bis).xml"
ensuite, tu pars à la recherche des info concernant virtua striker
et tu aura un truc grossomodo dans ce genre là:

game name="vstrik3" index="" image=""
descriptionVirtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)/description
ratingAAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)/rating

tu ajoute à ceci (la ligne en vert dans mon exemple):

game name="vstrik3" index="" image=""
descriptionVirtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)/description
ratingAAMA - Green (Suitable For All Ages)/rating
exeSega Naomi (bis)/exe

tu ajoute la même ligne pour le jeu Ninja Assault
(Attention à respecter les majuscules et les miniscules, dans le cas contraire, peut-être que ça ne fonctionnera pas)
etape 3 terminé (rien de tres compliqué non plus)

la quatrieme etape est encore + simple:
tu allume Hyperspin, tu ouvre ta wheel naomi, tu selectionne virtua striker 3 (ou Ninja Assault) et puis,,,, ba tu y joue :clown:

donc comme tu peux le voir,, pas besoin de modifier le script des modules
et ca marche avec toutes les versions d'hyperlaunch

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Inscription : 19 oct. 2012 - 01:00
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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par micaelo14 » 21 oct. 2013 - 14:49

ok impec :D   Merci :cheers:  

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Inscription : 30 déc. 2012 - 00:00
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Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par Firch » 21 oct. 2013 - 14:57

de rien l'ami

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Inscription : 26 oct. 2012 - 01:00
A été remercié : 1 fois

Re: [TUTO] Mettre une exception dans le fichier .ahk [MAJ] configuration jeu 1 joueur ou 2 joueurs

Message par grandsion » 22 oct. 2013 - 21:04

ça m'ouvre toujours l'autre émulateur!

Spoiler: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Sega Naomi
; Demul .56  
; by BBB
; 1.0
; Notes:

fullscreenWidth = 1920
fullscreenHeight = 1080

If ( romName = "ninjaslt4" or romName = "vstrik3c" ){

Run, D:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Sega Naomi\demul.exe -run=%system% -rom=%Romname%

 Gui +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
 Gui, Color, White
 logoXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 600 /2
 Gui, Add, Picture,x%logoXPos% y120, %A_ScriptDir%ModulesSega NaomiLogo.png
 loadXPos := A_ScreenWidth/2 - 230 /2
 loadYPos := A_ScreenHeight - 100
 Gui, Add, Picture,x%loadXPos% y%loadYPos%, %A_ScriptDir%ModulesSega NaomiLoading.png
 Gui Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%


currentName := %RomName%.name
currentControls := %RomName%.controls

settingsFile = %emupath%Demul.ini
padFile = %emupath%padDemul.ini

;This part might need some work since I havent familiarized myself with all the control possibilities
if(currentControls = "lightgun" || currentControls = "mouse"){
 IniWrite, 131072, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
 IniWrite, standard, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE
}else if(currentControls = "keyboard"){
 IniWrite, 1073741824, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
 IniWrite, keybaord, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE
 IniWrite, 16777216, %settingsFile%, PORTB, device
 IniWrite, currentControls, %padFile%, CONTROL_TYPE, CONTROL_TYPE

if(currentControls = "standard" || currentControls = "lightgun"){
else if(currentControls = "ggxstyle"){
else if(currentControls = "sfstyle"){
else if(currentControls = "lightgun"){
else if(currentControls = "driving"){

 IniWrite, 200, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, UP
 IniWrite, 208, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, DOWN
 IniWrite, 203, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, LEFT
 IniWrite, 205, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, RIGHT
 IniWrite, 46,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT1
 IniWrite, 18,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 44,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 45,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 21,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5
 IniWrite, 38,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, START
 IniWrite, 39,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, COIN

 IniWrite, 72, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, UP
 IniWrite, 76, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, DOWN
 IniWrite, 75, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, LEFT
 IniWrite, 77, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, RIGHT
 IniWrite, 50, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT1
 IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 45, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5
 IniWrite, 19, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, START
 IniWrite, 51, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, COIN

 IniWrite, 18,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 44,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 20,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 21,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5
 IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 24, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

 IniWrite, 45,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 21,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 18,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 44,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5
 IniWrite, 49, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 47,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

 IniWrite, 45,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 21,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 18,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 44,  %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT5
 IniWrite, 47, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT2
 IniWrite, 48, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT3
 IniWrite, 24, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_0, SHOT4
 IniWrite, 25, %padFile%, ATOMISWAVE0_1, SHOT5

IniWrite, %fullscreenWidth%, %emupath%gpuOglv3.ini, resolution, fWidth
IniWrite, %fullscreenHeight%, %emupath%gpuOglv3.ini, resolution, fHeight
Run, "%Emupath%%Executable%" -run=naomi -rom=%RomName%
SetTimer, CheckWin, 2

IfWinNotExist, ahk_class window
  WinGetPos,,,W,,ahk_class window
  if(W != sizeOrg sizeOrg != ""){
     Goto StartGame
     sizeOrg = %W%

 SetTimer, CheckWin, Off
 WinActivate ahk_class window
 Send !{ENTER}
 Gui Destroy
 Process, WaitClose, %executable%
 Process, Close, %executable%

 18wheelr := Object("name", "18 Wheeler - American Pro Trucker", "controls", "driving")
 akatsukibk := Object("name", "Akatsuki Bk Ausf Achse", "controls", "standard")
 alpiltdx := Object("name", "Airline Pilots Deluxe (Rev. B)", "controls", "driving")
 alpilota := Object("name", "Airline Pilots (Rev. A)", "controls", "driving")
 azumanga := Object("name", "Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble", "controls", "standard")
 capsnk := Object("name", "Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (904)", "controls", "sfstyle")
 capsnka := Object("name", "Capcom Vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000 (804)", "controls", "sfstyle")
 crackndj := Object("name", "Crack'n DJ", "controls", "standard")
 crzytaxi := Object("name", "Crazy Taxi", "controls", "driving")
 csmash := Object("name", "Cosmic Smash (rev.A)", "controls", "standard")
 csmasho := Object("name", "Cosmic Smash (original)", "controls", "standard")
 cspike := Object("name", "Gun Spike (Japan)", "controls", "reverse")
 deathcox := Object("name", "Death Crimson OX", "controls", "lightgun")
 derbyoc := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club", "controls", "standard")
 derbyocw := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club World Edition (Rev. C)", "controls", "standard")
 derbyoc2 := Object("name", "Derby Owners Club II", "controls", "standard")
 doa2 := Object("name", "Dead or Alive 2", "controls", "standard")
 doa2m := Object("name", "Dead or Alive 2 Millenium", "controls", "standard")
 dybb99 := Object("name", "Worls Series '99 / Dynamite Baseball '99", "controls", "standard")
 dybbnao := Object("name", "Dynamite Basball naomi (JPN)", "controls", "standard")
 f355 := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge", "controls", "driving")
 f355twin := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge (Twin) ", "controls", "driving")
 f355twin2 := Object("name", "Ferrari F355 Challenge 2 (Twin)", "controls", "driving")
 ggram2 := Object("name", "Giant Gram", "controls", "standard")
 ggx := Object("name", "Guilty Gear X (JPN)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 gram2000 := Object("name", "Giant Gram 2000", "controls", "standard")
 gunsur2 := Object("name", "Gun Survivor 2-Bio Hazard Code Veronica", "controls", "fps")
 gwing2 := Object("name", "Giga Wing 2", "controls", "standard")
 hmgeo := Object("name", "Heavy Metal Geomatrix", "controls", "standard")
 hotd2 := Object("name", "House of the Dead 2", "controls", "lightgun")
 hotd2o := Object("name", "House of the Dead 2 (Original)", "controls", "lightgun")
 jambo := Object("name", "Jambo! Safari (Rev. A)", "controls", "jambodriving")
 kick4csh := Object("name", "Kick '4' Cash", "controls", "standard")
 mvsc2 := Object("name", "Marvel vs. Capcom 2", "controls", "sfstyle")
 otrigger := Object("name", "OutTrigger", "controls", "standard")
 pjustic := Object("name", "Project Justice /Moeru Justice Gakuen", "controls", "sfstyle")
 pstone := Object("name", "Powerstone", "controls", "standard")
 pstone2 := Object("name", "Powerstone 2", "controls", "standard")
 qmegamis := Object("name", "Quiz Ah Megamisama", "controls", "standard")
 samba := Object("name", "Samba De Amigo (Rev. B)", "controls", "samba")
 sgtetris := Object("name", "Sega Tetris", "controls", "standard")
 shangril := Object("name", "Dengen Tenshi Taisen Janshi Shangri-la", "controls", "keyboard")
 shootpl := Object("name", "Shootout Pool / Shootout Pool Prize", "controls", "standard")
 shootopl := Object("name", "Shootout Pool", "controls", "standard")
 shtnglv2k7 := Object("name", "Shooting Love 2007", "controls", "standard")
 slasho := Object("name", "Slashout", "controls", "standard")
 smarinef := Object("name", "Sega Marine Fishing", "controls", "standard")
 smlg99 := Object("name", "Super Major League '99", "controls", "standard")
 spawn := Object("name", "Spawn - In the Demon's Hand", "controls", "standard")
 sstrkfgt := Object("name", "Sega Strike Fighter (Rev. A)", "controls", "standard")
 suchie3 := Object("name", "Idol Janshi Suchie-Pai 3", "controls", "keyboard")
 totd := Object("name", "The Typing of the Dead", "controls", "keyboard")
 toyfight := Object("name", "Toy Fighter", "controls", "standard")
 virnba := Object("name", "Virtua NBA", "controls", "standard")
 virnbao := Object("name", "Virtua NBA (original)", "controls", "standard")
 vs2_2k := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 2 Ver.2000", "controls", "standard")
 vtennis := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis / Power Smash", "controls", "standard")
 vtenis2c := Object("name", "Virtua Tennes 2 / Power Smash", "controls", "standard")
 wwfroyal := Object("name", "WWF Royal Rumble", "controls", "standard")
 zombrvn := Object("name", "Zombie Revenge", "controls", "standard")
 ;Naomi GD Rom
 azumanga := Object("name", "Azumanga Daioh Puzzle Bobble (GDL-0018)", "controls", "standard")
 bdrdown := Object("name", "Border Down (Rev A) (GDL-0023-A)", "controls", "standard")
 cfield := Object("name", "Chaos Field (GDL-0025)", "controls", "standard")
 chocomk := Object("name", "Musapey's Choco Maker (Rev. A) (GDL-0014A)", "controls", "standard")
 cleoftp := Object("name", "Cleopatra Fortune Plus (GDL-0012)", "controls", "standard")
 confmiss := Object("name", "Confidential Mission (GDS-0001)", "controls", "lightgun")
 cvs2gd := Object("name", "Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2001 (Rev A) (GDL-0007A)", "controls", "sfstyle")
 cvsgd := Object("name", "Capcom vs SNK 2 Millionaire Fighting 2000 Pro (GDL-0004)", "controls", "sfstyle")
 dygolf := Object("name", "Virtua Golf  Dynamic Golf (GDA-0009)", "controls", "mouse")
 ggxx := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX (GDL-0011)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 ggxxac := Object("name", "Guilty Gear Accent Core (GDL-041) ", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 ggxxrl := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX #Reload (Rev A) (GDL-0019A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 ggxxsla := Object("name", "Guilty Gear XX Slash (Rev A) (GDL-0033A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 gundmgd := Object("name", "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon (GDL-001)", "controls", "standard")
 gundmxgd := Object("name", "Mobile Suit Gundam: Federation VS Zeon DX (GDL-0006)", "controls", "standard")
 ikaruga := Object("name", "Ikaruga (GDL-0010)", "controls", "standard")
 jingystm := Object("name", "Jingi Storm - The Arcade (GDL-0037)", "controls", "standard")
 karous := Object("name", "Karous (GDL-0040)", "controls", "standard")
 keyboard := Object("name", "La Keyboard (GDS-0017)", "controls", "keyboard")
 kurucham := Object("name", "Kurukuru Chameleon (GDL-0034)", "controls", "standard")
 lupinsho := Object("name", "Lupin the Third - The Shooting (GDS-0018)", "controls", "lightgun")
 luptype := Object("name", "Lupin the Third - The Typing (Rev A) (GDS-0021A)", "controls", "keyboard")
 mamonoro := Object("name", "Mamonoro", "controls", "standard")
 meltyb := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (GDL-0039)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 meltyba := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (Rev A) (GDL-0039A)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 meltybld := Object("name", "Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver B (Rev C) (GDL-0028C)", "controls", "ggxstyle")
 moeru := Object("name", "Burning Casino / Moery Casinyo (GDL-0013)", "controls", "standard")
 mok := Object("name", "The Maze of Kings (GDS-0022)", "controls", "lightgun")
 monkeyba := Object("name", "Monkey Ball (GDS-0008)", "controls", "standard")
 ngdup23a := Object("name", "naomi Dimm Firmware Updater (GDL-0023A)", "controls", "standard")
 ngdup23c := Object("name", "naomi Dimm Firmware Updater (GDL-0023C)", "controls", "standard")
 psyvar2 := Object("name", "Psyvariar 2 - The will to Fabricate (GDL-0024)", "controls", "standard")
 puyofev := Object("name", "Puyo Puyo Fever (GDS-0031)", "controls", "standard")
 quizgd := Object("name", "Quiz Ketai Q mode (GDL-0017)", "controls", "standard")
 radirgy := Object("name", "Radirgy (GDL-0032)", "controls", "standard")
 radirgynoa := Object("name", "Radirgy Noir", "controls", "standard")
 senko := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde New ver. (Rev A) (GDL-0030A)", "controls", "standard")
 senkoo := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde (original) (GDL-0030)", "controls", "standard")
 senkosp := Object("name", "Senko No Ronde Speacial (GDL-0038)", "controls", "standard")
 sfz3ugd := Object("name", "Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper (GDL-0002)", "controls", "sfstyle")
 shikgam2 := Object("name", "Then Castle of Ahikigami II / Shikagami No Shiro II (GDL-0021)", "controls", "standard")
 slashout := Object("name", "Slashout (GDS-0004)", "controls", "standard")
 spkrbtl := Object("name", "Spikers Battle (GDS-0005)", "controls", "standard")
 sprtjam := Object("name", "Sports Jam (GDS-0003)", "controls", "standard")
 ss2005 := Object("name", "Super Shanghai 2005 (GDL-0031)", "controls", "standard")
 ss2005a := Object("name", "Super Shanghai 2005 (Rev. A) (GDL-0031A)", "controls", "standard")
 starseek := Object("name", "Doki Doki Star Seeker (GDL-0005)", "controls", "standard")
 takoron := Object("name", "Noukone Puzzle Takoron (GDL-0042)", "controls", "standard")
 tetkiwam := Object("name", "Tetris Kiwamemichi (GDL-0020)", "controls", "standard")
 trgheart := Object("name", "Trigger Heart Excelica (Rev A) (GDL-0036A)", "controls", "standard")
 trizeal := Object("name", "Trizeal (GDL-0026)", "controls", "standard")
 undefeat := Object("name", "Under Defeat (GDL-0035)", "controls", "standard")
 usagui := Object("name", "Usagi - Yamashiro Mahjong Hen (GDL-0022)", "controls", "keyboard")
 vathlete := Object("name", "Virtua Atheletics / Virtua Athlete (GDS-0019)", "controls", "standard")
 vtennis2 := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis 2 / Power Smash 2 (Rev A) (GDS-0015A)", "controls", "standard")
 vtennisg := Object("name", "Virtua Tennis (GDS-0011)", "controls", "standard")
 wsbbgd := Object("name", "World Series Basball / Super Major League (GDS-0010)", "controls", "standard")
 ;Naomi 2
 clubkrte := Object("name", "Club Kart - European Session (Cart)", "controls", "driving")
 vf4cart := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4evoct := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
 vstrike3c := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (Cart)", "controls", "standard")
 wldrider := Object("name", "Wild Riders (Cart)", "controls", "driving")
 ;Naomi 2 GD Rom
 beachspi := Object("name", "Beach Spikers (gds-0014)", "controls", "standard")
 initd := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage (Rev B) (GDS-0020B)", "controls", "driving")
 initdexp := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage (Export) (GDS-0025)", "controls", "driving")
 initdv2j := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.2 (GDS-0026)", "controls", "driving")
 initdv3j := Object("name", "Initial D Arcade Stage Ver.3 (GDS-0032B)", "controls", "driving")
 vf4 := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (GDS-0012)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4b := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev B) (GDS-0012B)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4c := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 (Rev C) (GDS-0012C)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4evo := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Rev B) (GDS-0024B)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4evoa := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Rev A) (GDS-0024A)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4tuned := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev B) (GDS-0036F)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4tuneda := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev A) (GDS-0036A)", "controls", "standard")
 vf4tunedd := Object("name", "Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Rev D) (GDS-0036D)", "controls", "standard")
 vstrik3 := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)", "controls", "standard")
 vstrik3c := Object("name", "Virtua Striker 3 (cart)", "controls", "standard")
}tu n'aurais pas oublier la ligne
"} Else"
"If ( romName = "ninjaslt4" or romName = "vstrik3c" ){"


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