[EN COURS]Problème avec les calamity drivers

La Box proposée par la communauté HFS prévue pour tourner avec un écran CRT.

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Inscription : 21 juin 2016 - 21:32
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Problème avec les calamity drivers

Message par Rmundo » 14 nov. 2016 - 14:53

Bonjour a tous ! bon avant tout deja merci pour cette super box , c'est genial darriver les mains ds les poches et d'avoir un produit tout fini :)

j ai essaye de rechercher du mieux que je pouvais je n'ai rien trouvé de concluant . Le probleme c'est que je ne comprend pas non plus forcement tout pour ce qui est modelines , resolutiosn , mame.ini etc ... donc je m en excuse par avance.
Et la quelqu un va me sortir un post 2 lignes plus bas ou tout est expliqué en me disant que c est si simple :lol:

J'ai une carte ati 550 x et win 64. Comme decrit dans les tuto les 2 versions de calamity sont compatible aparement , la 6,5 comme la 9,3 .

Le probleme eest que lorsque j'installe la 6,5 et que je lance vmaker il me sort : " mame executable not found " , et lorsque j'installe la 9,3 et que l'ordi redemarre, il detecte une carte comme la x1050 et ne parvient pas a redemarrer Win , il reboote a chaque fois sur le BIOS .

Me suis je planté quelque part dans l'installation ? la reponse est surement evidente mais je suis dsl de pas trouver ...

merci bcp par avance !!

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Re: pb avec les calamity drivers

Message par takki » 14 nov. 2016 - 16:54

3 mots dans google :p
tutos-bornes-bartops-f107/installation- ... t8473.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

il tr faut bien le 6.5 sauf que dans le ini de vmaker tu n pas renseigner l adressage du groovy
du coup il cherche le mame.exe qui n exite pas , c est logique car la hfsbox est en groovyamame :p
lit le tuto tu devrais comprendre

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Inscription : 21 juin 2016 - 21:32
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Re: Problème avec les calamity drivers

Message par Rmundo » 16 nov. 2016 - 14:14

Ok merci bcp ! et pourtant j ai lu et relu le tuto , j avais meme mis un ptit mot de remerciement pour le mal que vous vous donniez :)

allez je vais repotasser tout ca des que j ai 2 minutes et tenter d'y remedier . merci en tout cas !

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Re: Problème avec les calamity drivers

Message par takki » 16 nov. 2016 - 19:29

cadeau , vérifie bien que tu sois bien en groovy 0.169 et que tu sois bien a la racine de D: si t es ailleurs ben change la lettre dans le ini
idem pour le groovy si t es en 0.166 met le aussi
; VideoModeMaker - Options
; ------------------------

; 1. MAME
; -------

; Path for Mame executable, in case we want to extract xml information from it.

MameExe = "D:\HFSbox15K\Emulators\GroovyMame\GroovyMame 0.169.exe"

; Path for Mame ini folder, in case we want to create an ini file for each game.
; Important: existing ini files will be overwritten.

IniPath = "D:\HFSbox15K\Emulators\GroovyMame\ini\"

; Mame options.

ListFromXML = 1 ; Processes Mame XML and get video mode list from it
GenerateXML = 1 ; Extracts XML from Mame (only needed once)
OnlyListMain = 1 ; Only list resolutions for games contained in MameMain.txt
GenerateInis = 0 ; Creates an ini file for each Mame game, in the IniPath folder
SDLMame = 0 ; Use SDLMame specific options

; Monitor orientation

MonitorHorizontal = 1 ; 0 = Rotating monitor: horizontal and vertical games at their native resolution
; Suitable for users that physically rotate their CRTs
; 1 = Horizontal monitor: horizontal games run at their native resolution and
; vertical games are rotated to fit in horizontal monitor

RotatingDesktop = 0 ; Specifies if both desktop and monitor are rotated

; Aspect ratio for vertical games on horizontal monitor
; 4:3 (keeps original aspect ratio)
; 3:3 (stretches to square format)
; 3:4 (stretches to full screen)
; h:v (custom aspect ratio)

VerticalAspect = "4:3"

; ----------

; Monitor Type. Valid types: D9800, D9400, D9200, EGA, VGA, MULTI, H9110, PAL, NTSC, GENERIC, CUSTOM

MonitorType = "CUSTOM"

; Monitor CUSTOM. These values will be used if MonitorType = "CUSTOM"
; monitor_specs_0-6 = "HfreqMin-HfreqMax, VfreqMin,VfreqMax, HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch, VfrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch, HSyncPol, VSyncPol, ActiveLinesLimit, VirtualLinesLimit"
; * HfreqMin-HfreqMax: Minimum and maximum horizontal frequency, in Hz. Defines the range of horizontal frequencies the monitor is capable to sync.
; The higher the horizontal frequency, the higher the vertical resolution available for the same vertical refresh.
; The higher the horizontal frequency, the higher the vertical refresh available for the same vertical resolution.
; The higher the horizontal frequency, the lower the horizontal amplitude of active video (narrower picture).
; * VFreqMin-VfreqMax: Minimum and maximum vertical frequency, in Hz, Defines the range of vertical frequencies the monitor is capable to sync.
; * HFrontPorch, HSyncPulse, HBackPorch: Horizontal timing and geometry, values in µs
; * VfrontPorch, VSyncPulse, VBackPorch: Vertical timing and geometry, values in ms
; * HSyncPol,VSyncPol: polarities, not in use! defaults to negative.
; * ActiveLinesLimit: Vertical resolutions until ActiveLinesLimit value included, are generated as progressive, regardless the possibility
; of obtaining the required vertical refresh value.
; * VirtualLinesLimit: Vertical resolutions above ActiveLinesLimit and below VirtualLinesLimit are virtualized, that is, an interlaced resolution
; bigger that the native one is generated, with the right refresh, and "hardware stretch" is applied.
; Vertical resolutions above VirtulaLinesLimit are generated as interlaced, without any stretching.

monitor_specs0 15625-16200, 49.50-65.00, 2.000, 4.700, 8.000, 0.064, 0.160, 1.056, 0, 0, 288, 400

; Tolerance for horizontal frequency, in kHz, enables extending the range defined by [ HfreqMin, HfreqMax ]
; The resulting allowed frequency range will be [ HfreqMin - HfreqTolerance, HfreqMax + HfreqTolerance ]

HfreqTolerance = 0.010

; ---------------------

; Total number of modelines to generate. Here are the recommended values for each driver version:
; CRT_Emudriver, based on Catalyst 6.5: 160 modes (accepts up to 200, but above 160 HyperSpin will refuse to load)
; CRT_Emudriver, based on Catalyst 9.3: 120 modes (accepts some more but above 120 you can get some blue screens)
; Regular Catalyst : 60 modes (won't accept any more)

TotalModes = 120

; If enabled, only creates modes with 32 bits per pixel color depth

Only32BPPModes = 0

; Method for mode table generation. If Mame xml is processed, that will create a lot of different video modes, so the mode table
; will be optimized keeping the most relevant ones, and dropping the rest, to keep below the TotalModes value.
; 0 = Static table: modelines are generated keeping their original vertical refresh. This method is intended to be used in
; combination with ini files for each game.
; 1 = Dynamic table: a table of dummy modes is created using xres and yres values while ignoring vfreq. This method is intended
; to be used in combination with Switchres or Groovymame. No ini files are required using this method (you should disable the
; GenerateInis option).
; 2 = Magic table: a table of 'magic resolutions' is created, by ignoring xres and vfreq and just keeping yres. This method greatly reduces
; the total number of modes in the list. It's only supported by GroovyMAME, and is intended as a workaround for the Hyperspin issue.

ModeTableMethod_Custom = 0
ModeTableMethod_XML = 1

; Minimum resolution values (these will be used instead of lower values)

XresMin_XML = 240
YresMin_XML = 240
YresRound_XML = 4

XresMin_Custom = 240
YresMin_Custom = 160
YresRound_Custom = 0

; Minimum dotclock value allowed by the video card, in MHz (i.e. DotClockMin = 7.010)

DotClockMin = 0

; Number of iterations used by the mode generator [0,5]. The higher the number of iterations, the bigger the accuracy of the vertical
; refreshed obtained, normally at the cost of increasing the horizontal frequency strictly required.

Iterations = 0

; Specifies if the refresh label is multiplied by 10 before rounding (experimental).

VFreqLabelx10 = 0

; ---------

; Display name to use as target

DisplayName = "\\.\DISPLAY1"

; Path for the driver folder

DriverPath = ".\Driver\"

; If UpdateRegistry is enabled, UpdateDriver will only work if the driver version found in DriverPath matches the one installed
; in the system.

UpdateRegistry = 1 ; Specifies if the video card registry section will be updated with the new video modes
; (will only work in combination with CRT_EMUDriver).

UpdateDriver = 0 ; Specifies if the driver files in DriverPath will be updated with the new video modes, for
; future installations.

AnyCatalyst = 0 ; Allows modelines to be installed for any Catalyst version. This option is experimental and
; known to produce some problems.


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